By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “If human activity causes Global Warming…”
  1. I remember a summer in Phoenix, back before globull warming became a thing. We hit 100 degrees in late April, and 122 in June, nothing like sinking into the asphalt walking across the parking lot.

  2. Remember that one central premise to the man-caused global warming crowd is that there are too many humans. Breathing, eating meat, and air conditioning also contribute to global warming, according to the whackos.

    Since “The Rona” has not killed off thousands and thousands of people in Miami, those people are still around to cause more warming. If not with their cars, then with their A/C and their burgers.

    Sometimes I think they must have been rooting for the virus to kill off 20% of humanity, and are now outraged at the disappointment.

  3. Human activity does impact the environment and climate, of course, but the alarmists tend to grossly overestimate the level of impact humans have on the environment and climate and grossly underestimate the impact of non-human factors (i.e., the Sun) and have very little understanding of what a change in global median temperature actually means.

    Ask any of them about the The Medieval Warm Period (also known as the Medieval Climate Optimum). You’ll either get a blank stare or a canned talking point about that invokes the special pleading fallacy to say it was different… because… reasons.

    From roughly 950 CE to 1100 CE, the earth’s global median temperature was 1° C warmer than it was in the 19th and 20th Centuries CE.

    The earlier The Roman Warm Period lasted from approximately 250 BC to 400 CE and saw even warmer temperatures.

    Contrary to the doom and gloom of the alarmists, these periods were fantastic boons for human civilization. More fresh water, more rainfall, more arable land, longer growing seasons, less disease, longer lifespans, increased trade, and so on and so forth.

    It’s always been periods of global cooling that have done the most harm to humanity. But, hey, we survived both the Little Ice Age (1300 CE to 1850 CE) and the much colder Pleistocene Ice Age (2,580,000 to 11,700 years ago) and that was when we still consider fire to be a cutting edge, high tech development. Nowadays, we have nuclear power plants.

    1. I have a database downloaded from somewhere of annual temperature data (taken from Greenland ice core measurements) going back thousands of years. It shows all the variations you mentioned and more. Yes, it’s slightly warmer now than it was a century ago, but the change is trivial compared to what has happened in millennia past.
      Also remember: there is a reason why the warmists changed their slogan from “global warming” to “climate change”. Global warming is falsifiable; climate change isn’t — it has always been true and always will be so long as Earth continues to have an atmosphere.

  4. You also need to remember that the reason that global warming and its new name climate change are so bad is that the seas will rise…

    And if there seas rise, NYC and the other cities in the coasts will flood…

    Um, I think they are claiming 2 or 3 inches…

    Who builds their homes 3 inches above average sea level….

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