Chesa Boudin aide ignites firestorm with ‘The Birth of a Nation’ tweet

Kate Chatfield, the senior director of legislation and policy in the office of San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, locked her Twitter account hours after comparing political opponents to “The Birth of a Nation,” a highly controversial 1915 film that depicts Ku Klux Klan members as heroes.

Chatfield was responding to a tweet from Michelle Tandler, a self-described “Moderate Dem” who has been vocal on Twitter in her criticisms of Boudin, a progressive prosecutor who has become one of the most polarizing local politicians in the country.


Chatfield was heavily criticized for comparing those concerned with rising homicide and burglary rates to KKK members. (Crime statistics show that overall, violent crime has fallen under Boudin, but homicides and burglaries have increased.) Chatfield ended up setting her account to private mode, where only those who follow her can view her tweets.

Boudin’s office declined to comment on the contents of the tweet, stating that Chatfield acted in a personal capacity and not as a representative of the district attorney’s office.

Actually all crime has gone up, they just can’t hide the dead bodies so they have to acknowledge it.ย  But the they engage in fuckery to hide the numbers on other things.

Walgreens are not closing and Target stores are not going to reduced hours over nothing.

But if you are worried that your wife will get beaten or raped by a crazy homeless person on drugs, you’re just a racist Klan member and your opinion can be disregarded.

See, there is always a justification for getting away with their policies that destroy cities.

“Are you a Leftist who notices that the neighborhood where your house cost a couple of million dollars is a dangerous shithole and you want the city to fix it?ย  Well you’re a racist and need to shut the fuck up.”

That is how these people destroy cities and get away with it.

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By J. Kb

21 thoughts on “If you are afraid of a drugged out vagrant attacking or raping your wife, you’re a Klansman”
  1. “Birth of a Nation” — propaganda intended to justify Democrat one-party rule in the South by scapegoating blacks and pitting whites against them. Specifically, the justify the existence of their paramilitary wing.

    Today half the movies released serve the same purpose, but scapegoat whites.

  2. I saw a report that 40% of San Francisco residents are considering or planning on leaving the area. That’s a huge number of people.

    Normally, I’d say, “More power to them.” But in this case, I’m all for building a wall around the Bay Area and keeping them there.

    Because where they’ll go is north to Oregon (my AO) or Washington, or east to Colorado or Texas. And once there, they’ll blindly vote for the same idiotic policies that made SF and California such a crap-fest.

    Or as other bloggers put it, “Having fouled their own nest, they’ll gladly come and foul yours as well.”

  3. I gotta say, even by Derpocrat standards this is one spicy hot take.

    Also devoid of intelligence, but that’s a given.

    I will restrain myself from further comment, except to say that if I decide to embark on a career as a supervillain, I’m starting in San Francisco.

  4. Isn’t the current narrative that the spikes in violent crime are being invented by the media to play on fears of racist white people against POC’s?

        1. When the affluent left get a taste of their own policies, things will probably start change. The question is where/when is critical mass?

          The problem is until critical mass is reached, a lot of lefties will move to red states and start their bullshit all over again. Like a cancer, metasticizing across the country.

  5. To paraphrase The Noted Moral Philosopher, Shania Twain: “Okay, so I’m a klansman. That don’t impress me much.”

    1. So the demoncrats organized the kkk to control/kill blacks, what is the organization to control/destroy libtardmoronicdemoncrats? I wanna join.

      1. JPFO? ๐Ÿ™‚ One nice point about that one is that the mere concept is enough to make liberal heads explode.
        BTW, the late founder of JPFO (Aaron Zelman) wrote two nice novels, with L. Neil Smith. Both very much worth reading, “The Mitzvah” especially.

  6. Here I am, on the west coast, and I can safely say that Hurricaine Elsa is a not issue across the board. Not a single person is getting inconvenienced in any way by this storm. I know this because I look out my window, and it is a beautiful day. Blue skies, calm winds.

    Same logic. I will bet every dollar in my wallet that Chatfield lives a good distance away from the chaos, and when she goes to the office, her parking space is in a controlled entry garage with security guards patrolling.

    My city assembly is currently on a “save the homeless” kick. They are pushing to establish shelters spread throughout the city. I let my representatives know in no uncertain terms that every time I see a homeless person within two miles of my house, I will give them a bottle of booze, a couple of sandwiches, and drop them off right in front of their house. Force them to live with the consequences of their decisions.

    1. I’m in Oregon. My state and city (not Portland) are also on a “save the homeless” kick.

      To the point that many city parks are now no-go zones for regular folks, having been completely taken over by the homeless. In at least two, joggers and bicyclists have been physically attacked and injured. The city/police response is, just don’t go there.

      I’m sorry? My property taxes are paying for these parks and their upkeep, and when city policy causes them to become actually dangerous the official answer is, “Just don’t go there”? What the hell am I paying for?

      Also, the city goes in every couple weeks — with police, social workers, and sanitation workers — and cleans up the places but doesn’t remove anyone (they just shift people out of the area they’re cleaning this time). The price tag, I’m told, is $150-200k every couple-weeks-to-a-month.

      I like your solution — giving them booze and sandwiches and a ride to the city council members’ homes — but one of the larger camps (but more peaceful and quiet, if I’m being honest; if you MUST have homeless people, these aren’t too bad) is about 1.25 miles from my house. I’d go bankrupt doing that. LOL!

      1. I am in a smaller city, more spread out. There are some relatively large homeless camps, but the camps and the services are located in the more industrial areas of the city. The shelters, soup kitchens, etc… are near warehouses, and (curiously enough) the jail.

        But, that is not good enough for the woke assembly. No, they had to change the zoning laws so that homeless can be spread throughout the city. I told my assembly reps what a stupid idea it was, but they voted for it anyway.

        Actions have consequences.

        Luckily, I live close enough to the outskirts that the homeless are not really seen near my neighborhood. But, they will be if the Assembly has their way And, when they do show up, the assembly members who voted for it will get a delivery.

      2. These US Liberal no-go zones are the American equivalent of Sharia zones in Europe. Portland shows how badly those things can degrade.
        And just like in Europe, the biggest question is why, and for how long, the politicians who brought us these messes will continue to be re-elected.
        One thing to do about that is naming and shaming: when you get those answers of “don’t go there”, spread those answers, with name and title of the person saying it, as wide as you can manage.

      3. Yet another comment of mine was accepted and then disappeared. I suggested “naming and shaming” — if a government clown tells you “just don’t go there”, broadcast that answer, with name and title of the person who said it, everywhere you can. This sort of thing needs to have consequences for the parasites unwilling to do their duty.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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