NASHVILLE (AP) — A federal appeals court has ruled a ranger did not violate the rights of a man who wore camouflage and carried an AK-47-style pistol with loaded 30-round clip in a Nashville park.

Brentwood resident Leonard Embody sued Ranger Steve Ward for detaining him at the Radnor Lake State Natural area while Ward determined whether the gun was legal and whether Embody had a permit for it.

Tennessee law allows guns with barrels of less than 12 inches in state parks. Embody’s gun was a half inch under the limit.

The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati ruled against Embody today, concluding that Ward’s actions were reasonable.

The court writes that, “having worked hard to appear suspicious” Embody cannot cry foul after park rangers took the bait.

via Man who carried AK-47 pistol in Tennessee park loses appeal | The Jackson Sun |

Mr. Embody is an idiot. Correction, he is a selfish idiot with the ego of a decaying rockstar and the brains of a Beiber fan.  People like him are the biggest threat States without Open Carry face when trying to pass legislation favoring that stance.

Florida is about to start again the fight for Open Carry. Our opponents will loudly say that the law will be a danger to the community because will allow irresponsible people to carry AK 47s in the street…and we will have to take it up the medial rectum because one moron in Tennessee felt he had to prove something to his diminished ego.

And yes, he had the right to carry his Draco but no, he did not have the right to screw it up for the rest of us. No, he is not a fighter for the Second Amendment cause, if he was basic logic would indicate that his actions would be used  as media ammunition against gun owners and, in case somebody still have not noticed, traditional media remains staunchly anti-gun. Mr. Embody’s inability to see past his need for 15 minutes of fame makes him more of a CSGV loon than anything else. You Do Not Give Ammo To The Enemy!

Mr. Embody’s thank you letter from Brady should be forthcoming. Do not expect one from me or millions of other Gun Owners.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “If you behave like a “Richard” don’t expect sympathy from me.”
      1. *facepalm* What part of understanding how our English Common Law based legal system actually works do you find “ahrd” to understand?

  1. Thank you Miguel.
    If someone purposefully tries to get a negative reaction then complains when they get said reaction…they are an idiot. Scaring people will not change their mind.
    If I’m in that park and a man in camouflage carrying an AK-74 walks up on me I am drawing my weapon. If continues to demonstrate he has the ability, opportunity, and places me in jeopardy by not following a direct order to stop…he will be stopped.

    1. Threatening to murder people is considerably worse than trying to make a scene, and will likely get you killed or imprisoned for life (or do you think a guy legally OC’ing is going to just go “oh, ok then” after some psycho pulls a gun and starts screaming at him?).

      On the original topic, I agree with the majority assessment. If the law says 12” is the limit, and you make a show of carrying one with 11 and half, you shouldn’t complain if you get stopped for a bit so they can measure it. Especially if it’s true that he painted the muzzle orange (that’s not really something you can defend as a stylistic choice). Even more damning (for him) if the report that he previously OC’d a large revolver and was subject only to a standard “show me your LTC” (legally required for concealed and open carry in his state), which implies that he “up-armed” specifically to cause trouble, and *not* because he was worried that rights were being violated.

      1. Would you allow someone dressed in fatigues to walk on you with an AK-74? I also heard you say I threatened to murder someone. Really? Is really what you heard or are you just trying to get a rise out of me? Do you understand what constitutes justifiable homicide? I said if I considered the person a threat and I was in immediate danger I would stop him. Murder? Really?

        1. Seriously? You’re claiming that pointing a gun at another person is *not* an explicit threat? Go pull a gun on the nearest cop and see how non-threatening he thinks it is. While you’re at it, try shooting at someone who’s legally carrying and let us know what the DA says about how totally justifiable it was.

          PS The man in the OP was carrying an AK pattern pistol, not an AK-74 rifle.

  2. Some people think that after Heller & McDonald the issue has been settled and we can do whatever the hell we want. That shortsightedness will get us back to the GCA of 68 augmented before we know it. We have been winning because we have been TEACHING people what the Second Amendment really means and disassembling 40 years of bad publicity, of being called racists, crazed gunmen and every other epithet in the book. It is a slow tedious process but it is the sure way to do things. We need it cemented in the minds of People forever.

    1. And even if we won the very hard fight, it’s gonna need self policing. Just because we get the privileges and rights we surely deserve doesn’t mean we can go all Rambo everyday and whatnot. It invalidates the fact we are well meaning people who love to shoot and carry for protection and validates the anti’s statement that we are all nutjobs.

  3. Public opinion can and does change and sway. Yes, we are winning for now. But one should not get arrogant or cocky. It would be possible to piss off or scare enough of the public back into supporting tougher guns laws… or even a possible repeal of the 2nd amendment.

  4. Oh, how I wish this idiot did not live in my state, where the continued demonstration of his idiocy would not pointlessly threaten the progress we have already so painfully made…

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