The answer according to them is:

Future Air Travel: Four-Hour Process, Self Check-In, Disinfection, Immunity Passes

Let’s start with the entire process of checking in for flights, which some calculate that it could take up to four hours and involving social distancing, sanitation of passengers and luggage, wider spaces for various lines and waiting to board.

Nine out of 10 experts expect slower turnarounds between flights due to the need of thorough cleaning of cabins and following of sanitary measures at airports.

So unless you live next door to an airport, you will have to spend close (maybe more) to 5 hours just to get out of your house and jump in a plane. The most common airliner in treh US is the venerable Boeing 737 in its many configurations with a cruise speed of just over 500 mph.  The Bureau of Transport Statistics says the average Passenger Trip Length is  1,494.6 miles. Think about that for a moment: in order to take a 3 hour flight, you will be required to suffer through more than 4 hours of check in.  That on itself would make people like me thnk twice about taking a long trip anywhere by air, but I figure people pressed for time will have to swalloow hard and eat the new inconveniences.

But what about short hops? Anything that would require 2 or less hours of actual flight like Miami Orlando? I would not even think about flying but hopping in my car and driving the four hours that it would take. Hell even to Jacksonvill I might just go by land and save me the three hours of probbing and prodding and cattle moving at the airport. Comfortable in y vehicle of treated likea leper in the airport?

Regional flights and airlines will probably take a huge hit and disappear. The big boys would have to do something and more tha likely would be to make a flight with stops all over the forgotten places. Basically a bus route with wings.

This is not good.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “If you travel, it is time to buy a new car.”
  1. Not to mention with social distancing guidelines, planes will be flying at something like 50% capacity, meaning higher ticket prices to cover the costs of fuel, aircrew, airport fees, etc. Fortunately, since retiring, I haven’t needed to fly anywhere.

  2. It’s pretty much not worth my time to fly anywhere unless I save 24 hours. I’ve got friends in Atlanta. It’s right around an 8 hour drive. Think 4 hours of prep to get on the plane, an hour in the air and another hour to pick up luggage and get the rental car. I’ll drive.

    To me, flying has got to be saving a full day of driving and an overnight stay to make it worthwhile.

  3. OK, once again….

    What is so horrific about this disease that makes these measures even remotely conceivable? Why is anyone even talking about this crap?

    Please someone. Tell me why this is warranted in any way?

    The numbers are indicating this virus is not really any more deadly than the seasonal flu, and I have seen several studies that indicate the flu can be up to 8 times more deadly. If you are high risk, absolutely avoid flying until it is safe for you, but to require all passengers to go through this level of BS is not justified. Not with the numbers I am seeing.

    I see stories like this, and the only thing I see is “LOOK! SCARY STUFF! DOUBLE SUPER SCARY PEOPLE!!!!!!” It becomes background noise after a while.

  4. Once upon a time, flying was an event, an adventure, but then came 9/11. Since then, I’ve had the rule of thumb that, if I can drive in 8 hours, it’s not worth it to fly. Looks like I can stretch that out by at least a couple of hours. Fortunately, my current position requires very little travel. I think I’ve been on a plane 1 or 2 times in the last 5+ years. That trend WILL continue.

  5. Online check in. My family thinks IM nuts cause I havent got on a plane since 1997. The “authorities “ will push this crap until We the People stop it or a democrat gets in office then it will be crickets.

  6. This just furthers the radius that makes driving more acceptable. Currently, if it’s within about a 500mi radius, I’ll drive.

    Any flight I have to take out of my airport involves a connection unless I’m going to Chicago, Detroit, DC, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, or Charlotte. That adds another 60-90 minutes to the itinerary. Add my usual arrival 60 minutes before departure and 45 minutes to Atlanta. So I’m at 2:45 to 3:15 in elapsed travel and I haven’t even made it out of Atlanta.

    Say that bumps to 2 hours arrival before departure for a domestic. I’m now at 3:45 to 4:15 and have made it roughly 160 miles. A 40mph moving average.

    Forget it, I’ll drive or I won’t bother going.

  7. For me. Anything I can drive to in less than 10 or 12 hours is not worth the flight. My last flight was to Vegas. Carry on only no rental car just a shuttle to the hotel. Still took over five hours from the house to get to the hotel. Oh and it took an extra day to get home because maintenance wasn’t happy with the plane and we cant fix it here. Airlines are just Greyhound in the sky.

  8. …we drive. Everywhere. Even the 3 day one way trip back to see the in-laws. Almost 2400 miles one way.
    With two small children in the car.
    Driving is cheaper and less hassle. Yes, I’m including hotels and food. We would need 4 tickets. Driving price is relatively fixed, no matter how many are in the car.
    No need to rent a car at the destination. No extra baggage fees. No fighting the airline when they decide to reseat a 3 year old halfway across the plane from the parents. No dirty looks from bringing car seats onto the plane.
    And no TSA.
    Flying hasn’t been worth the time, effort, or money for years.

  9. I’ve heard RV sales are increasing. Makes sense – eliminates the flight and also the need for a hotel room along the drive and at the destination.

  10. These rules will be for the plebes and not the ruling class. Case in point. IL’s fatass governor disappeared over the weekend, skipping his daily end of the world announcements. It’s strongly suspected he flew down to FL in a private jet to visit his family (who also flew from IL after he had declared no non-emergency travel)

  11. Strictly a liberty guy. If you accuse me of being a bad guy and make/force me to prove I am not before I can use your service, I do not need nor want your service.

    Driving gives me more choices and more convenience and a more pleasurable experience.

    Oh, ya, I am spoiled. 2014 Ford Raptor. Better than ‘sardine can’ flying any day.

    Nous Defions

  12. I’ve long thought there was a crying need for a vehicle that seats 5 in comfort or 3 with their full baggage, gets 32-35 MPG Highway and has an 18 gallon tank.

    **** the airlines, airports and TSA. Drive.

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