Yesterday around noon, Detroit police stopped in front of a group of young men to fulfill a federal arrest warrant against one of them. It ended up in a shooting with one of the other males present dead.

Once again the community raised in furor and the uncle of the dead man had this to say.

“We hear one thing from the police, and another thing from the community. The community told us that the police pulled up, told (him) to get on the ground. He put his hands up, and these mother f—— shot him in the back of the head,” said Amen-Ra, adding his sister had been to the hospital and saw his nephew’s body. “He has got two shots in back of his head, plus other bullet wounds.”

Amen-Ra said the time for peaceful protesting is over.

Amen-Ra identified the victim as 20-year-old Hakim Littleton, whom he described as a “typical young kid” who worked all the time and was “doing his thing.”

Tensions rise over Detroit police killing of man they say fired first at officers

But there is this thing called body worn videos that show what really happened: The suspect with the warrant surrendered without an issue, but a friend produced a gun and shot at a cop’s head and continued shooting till he was finally stopped.

Notice one detail? He shot at a black officer. Thank God his aim sucked and missed him.

Now, evidence is present, did the protests end? Were apologies issued to the PD and the community for the error?

(insert laugh track here)

Nope, it is still the cops/society’s fault. Watch the whole thing, but the good stuff begins at 01:55.

Wai, wait: You pull out a gun, shoot at cops but you are tagged as an innocent bystander but a WHITE Black Lives Matter operative? Are you out of your frigging Liberal/Socialist mind?

There is no reasoning with this people. Common sense cannot be applied. De-escalation may no longer apply.

Prepare accordingly.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “It has never been about lives but the destruction of society.”
    1. And…. I am sure he was an aspiring rapper, who was turning his life around. (An activity that seems to be fatal most of the time from what I can tell.)

  1. I had to rewatch this a couple times to figure out what happened. Before anyone comments: I STRONGLY recommend you do the same.

    It’s just bizarre. He just casually pulls a gun and aims it at the cop who’s less than ten feet away — and misses. And then eats shit. Why? Why draw down when you see a half dozen cops swarming in? Did he have a warrant out for him as well?

    1. Everyone is the hero of his own story. Unless you actively choose the “supervillain” role you’re almost always a good guy in your own mind.

      Not to be at all flippant, but I think the kid saw too many movies where the good guy’s shots always hit and bad guys miss; too many FPS games where you have save-and-restore points and new “lives.” I think he fully expected to rescue his friend from the “villainous” police and escape unscathed.

      1. More likely he was drunk/high/both, and never had a thought above animal rage. Or he also had an outstanding warrant and decided the police would never take him alive.

        It was suicide by cop, regardless.

  2. Father of four, aspiring rapper and local entrepreneur with a clouded past who was just starting to turn his life around by opening his new pharmaceutical distribution business so he could be a role model for local youths was gunned down today by a police officer enforcing racist laws designed to shut down small pharmacy businesses.

  3. So dirtbag shoots, get’s shot twice, Where did the other half dozen shots after he goes down come from?

    1. Hard to tell by the grainy videos – but the way the cop we have the “POV” of falls back the dirtbag seems to fire while on the ground before beeing taken down for good.

  4. Social Media is just the modern way of playing “Telephone.”

    Everyone wants to hear what they want to hear, and too many shitheads reflexively hate the police. Some idiots actually belive the police in their city shoot people dead every day of the week. After all, TV is real, and the average leading actor playing cop on a police show kills about 3-4 people every season. Multiply by a dozen cop shows. Why wouldn’t their real, non Hollywood city be filled with killer cops?

    Saint Cloud Minnesota had an arrest go a little sideways, the offender shot the officer in the hand, farcebook had the police shooting the punk for no reason, and two nights of riots occurred.

    All it takes is a few shitheads to start a disaster.

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