By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “It is a pity I don’t drink…..”
    1. Is that safe? I’d be hesitant to ingest anything that came from a Liberal.

      You know… in case their stupid is contagious.

  1. Myself and a lot of my fellow gun owners wanted this to pass if only to keep the heat off the politicians who are doing most of our heavy lifting. 90% of Americans wanted this and you can bet that they’re going to be looking to oust those who didn’t represent them yesterday. We need those people.

    This wasn’t a win for anyone, Miguel.

    1. 90% of Americans wanted this

      No, 90% of those polled in a twisted poll said they wanted background checks. If I can come up with a poll where 90% of the people said your family should be executed without reason, should we maybe deal for only half your family?

      I’ll say it again, 2 months ago we were facing pretty much the extinction of the Second Amendment as we know it. Never before such power have been brought against an article of the Bill of Rights. It was an intense bombardment of lies from the Media and the Government and we not only stopped it but sent it back reeling with the tail between their legs.
      And the political capital spent by the White House will hurt them down the road in ways we have not thought of yet. The economy is not fixed, Health care is about to implode, foreign problems are growing and shit is not getting done.
      I’ll be surprised if Obama does not pull a Pope Benedict.

      1. Obama still thinks the Pope reports to him, and enough Americans are still inclined to agree that it’s not going to get better quite that fast.

        I’m looking forward to a collapse in 2016, though, unless they’ve been grooming another ethnic, Soviet poster child with delusions of godhood.

  2. Obama resign? Well, if you say so. LOL.

    Whether it’s 90, 80, 70 or 60 percent….MOST Americans wanted this, amigo. All the things you mentioned were the same, if not worse, 6 months ago and our side got killed in the end. I know, I know…our candidate sucked, etc., etc. But the fact is we lost. Big.

    This is time for a deep breath not celebration. We’re in a deep hole and we need to keep climbing.

    1. Which bill was this? If this was the Manchin-Toomey bill, then from what I read… pardon me as I borrow a phrase from the opposition, “It simply goes too far.”

      They WERE going to push through a comprehensive and ineffective ban on several weapon types.

      They WERE going to quash the NRA’s political involvement.

      The momentum of the anti-gun crowd has officially skidded to a halt, right here. And now we turn around and strike back. Step 1: national CCW reciprocity.

      Over 90% of Americans want to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. 90% of the responses to a particularly skewed internet poll(I actually just heard a rant on ballot stuffing in internet polls this morning with regards to something entirely else) thought the best way to do that would be to enforce background checks on all gun sales, but you know perfectly fine that’s simply not true.

      One of my roommates voted for Obama, and thought the background check law was a good idea. Recently asked me when the next time I could take him to my family’s shooting range was. I told him that the new background check laws in Colorado made it illegal for me to take him. Now he doesn’t like the law anymore.

      Get THAT message out, and the approval rate for universal background checks should drop to sub-30%.

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