Last week, the Obama administration released the names of 55 colleges and universities that are under federal investigation for what appears to be ham-handed and insensitive handling of rape allegations. Dartmouth, Harvard and Princeton are on the list; so are Boston University and the University of South California. Closer to home, unfortunately, Florida State University is among the institutions cited.

The White House rightly felt compelled to bring the weight of federal law to the issue — specifically, Title IX’s anti-discrimination provisions — in the wake of increasing outrage over how some universities have put their reputations ahead of the safety of their own students by trying to sweep sexual assault allegations under the rug. Students, in particular young women who have borne the brunt of mishandled investigations — some in which they, rather than their alleged assailant, became the interrogated targets — have turned into the most vocal sector of academia challenging how foot-dragging administrators at colleges and universities handle, or fail to handle, allegations of sexual assault.

via Assault on sexual assault – Editorials –

We “know” this trend of sexual attacks is a lie. We “know” it is a lie because we have been told over and over again that colleges and universities are literally free of everyday criminal activity.  We “know” that one of the bases for academic development is the free flow of information and honesty so there is no way that college authorities would stoop to lie or fidget around with something so sensitive as sexual assaults.  And we “know” it has to be a lie when the most famous schools in the nation are being accused of such a dishonorable undertaking as we “know” they are all for the Truth and Knowledge.

Ergo, this has to be an attack by the Right Vast Wing Conspiracy (get used to see this resuscitated as the presidential elections get closer) and the Gun Lobby to force guns on campus and would only lead to distractions on the learning environment, turn debates into shootings and professors afraid to issue bad grades in fear they will be shot.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “It is just a pack of collegiate lies.”
  1. My question is why colleges and universities are in the business of investigating and punishing rape and sexual assault. They are ill-equipped to handle the investigations, and most rely on a much lower burden of proof than a criminal court. Of course, they all feel the need to “do something”.

    1. I have no problem with Colleges doing and investigation but in conjunction with the local PD. The colleges has a more deep knowledge of what is happening on Campus than the cops do so they should be helpful. Also they can track the crime and see if there is something helping criminals ac hieve their goals (Other than being Gun Free Zone) and erradicated.

      The covering up? that is inexcusable

  2. “The covering up? that is inexcusable”

    One reason rape is so much of a problem in the modern world is because so many victims are afraid to come forward and testify against their attackers, feeling they’re somehow at fault.

    What these universities are doing? Contributing to that fear. They aren’t just not solving the problem. They’re actively making it worse.

    That’s utterly reprehensible, and the staff responsible deserve to be tied up and left in an unmonitored, sound-proof room with a sex offender for several hours.

    1. Your point plus the broadening of what “sexual assault or rape” means. The colleges are treating everything from calling someone a b***h to forcible rape as the same thing, with a much lower standard of proof required for their kangaroo tribunals.
      This article from FIRE explains it much better than I can, keep in mind the article is from Oct of ’13, but the hysteria has only intensified.

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