A friend of mine sent me this article from Fox 5 NY.

Rabbi beaten with stone in Brooklyn hate crime attack

The NYPD was investigating a violent hate crime attack against an Orthodox Jewish rabbi in Brooklyn.

The 63-year-old, identified as Rabbi Avraham Gopin, was assaulted in Rochester Park in Crown Heights at about 7:40 a.m. on Tuesday morning.

Police say a man threw a rock at the rabbi.  The victim began to argue with the suspect, who began to punch him in the face.

New York City Councilman Chaim Deutsch says the rabbi suffered a broken nose and had several teeth knocked out. Gopin remained hospitalized at Maimonides Hospital on Tuesday evening.

Gopin’s son-in-law, popular Hasidic singer Benny Friedman, said Gopin was doing OK, despite the injuries that also included stitches on his head and lacerations on his body.

Seth Mandel, the Jewish reporter for the Washington Examiner went off on Twitter about this attack (unrolled for your reading convenience).

De Blasio won’t lift a finger, media yawn—the Jews of Crown Heights should be carrying.
ADL can only be shamed after so much blood spilled into a halfhearted act while its director goes on Al Sharpton’s show and encourages others to do the same.

If it can’t be blamed on right-wingers, the modern Jewish establishment sits on its hands while Jews are publicly stoned.

I have worked with and around the major Jewish organizations my whole life. So it pains me to point out the obvious: they are doing absolutely nothing about the wave of violence. Jews are telling me they’re taking off their yarmulkes on the subway platform. In New York City.

The attacks are against those clearly wearing Jewish attire, so most Jews don’t see anything different about their daily commute, while their Orthodox neighbor has to go incognito for fear of being thrown in front of a train.

Every single head of every single major Jewish organization—without exception—should feel ashamed to their core. Every single one. Yes, ADL is guiltier than most, but that doesn’t absolve you. Enjoy your half-mil salaries while this goes on.

Leave you with this: Everybody knows. Everybody knows. Everyone. No one gets a pass: Why Does No One Care About Violence Against Orthodox Jews?

Exactly this. I guess if you haven’t been pelted with rocks from passing cars in suburban New Jersey while walking home from shul you might not realize what the rest of us deal with.

NYC has essentially rendered 2A irrelevant, disarming the Jews they won’t help. Permits should be applied for by everyone, some are bound to be given access to their constitutional right. Form larger and more active shmira orgs. Become police officers.

And bring in the Israelis.

Lobby for security grants for cameras and more lights. Train neighborhood watch groups and give them whatever weapons are actually legal in NYC. Provide walking groups as much as possible to and from shul. Run for local office.

And make the phones at the ADL, Conference of Presidents, Federations/JCRC etc off the hook. Show up at the offices. Call them out publicly. And make sure every person in America knows Bill de Blasio won’t do something about this.

Look at every neighborhood where incidents have happened, look up their local, city, state and national representatives. Look at their party registration. Then make the Republican and Democratic Jewish groups take a break from sniping at each other on twitter and speak up.

Sorry to be a broken record on this, but: we’re living in a world only Jabotinsky understood.

Mandel is exactly, 100% right about everything that he says.  Most non-Orthodox Jews don’t care about attacks on Orthodox Jews.  The few that do bite their tongues about it for political reasons.

New York City has pretty much made concealed carry impossible and that needs to change.

The is allowing this to happen.

Jews need to do a better job of maintaining their own security because nobody is coming to help them.  This really applies to all people.

There are some things that Mandel left out of his Twitter rant that needs to be mentioned.

The people who are attacking Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn are not white supremacists.  They are overwhelmingly black teenagers and a few Muslims.  When this is discussed, it’s almost always in the form of “disagreements between the black and Jewish communities” and not anti-Semitic hatred.

In the Progressive hierarchy, Blacks and Muslims rank higher than Jews (especially Orthodox Jews) so this goes mostly unaddressed.

The Froward addresses this (article from Mendel’s thread)

It’s time we talk about how people love to hate Orthodox Jews.

It happens all the time. And it starts with casual rhetoric, as all things do. I witness it personally, often as the only Orthodox Jew in liberal spaces. “Did you know that there are some Orthodox rabbis whose expertise is in financial ethics in Jewish law?” I once remarked to another journalist, years ago.

“Orthodox rabbis who have financial ethics?” The colleague laughed. “What’s that, like stealing everyone’s money?”

It was just a joke. But it’s never just a joke. I hear this sort of banter far too often, thanks to the strange place I’m in as an Orthodox Jewish journalist. It’s my job to be openly critical of my own community when necessary, pointing out internal wrongdoings. And then, I must watch, anguished, as those who hate us take up that criticism of the dregs of our society and twist them into dangerous blanket statements that besmear entire communities.

Those who hate us abound. The Orthodox are the Jews of the Jews. We are othered, shamed, and ridiculed for our religious practices — by non-Orthodox-Jews and non-Jews alike. And that rhetoric often escalates into downright dehumanization.

Why will no one speak up on our behalf? Why don’t people rush to call out these hate crimes? Instead, they won’t even call it a hate crime. We have to hear them call it a mugging, or tell us it wasn’t due to the black hat or yarmulke — but actually due to a development, the schools, measles outbreaks, tax evasion, don’t you know.

Why won’t anyone speak up? Is it because they do not see Orthodox Jews as real Americans, as citizens deserving of the right to live safely in their communities? Are we too “other,” too “apart,” “disloyal,” to earn the privilege of peaceful existence? Is it because we are politically inconvenient?

Those are all dog whistles for what is at the heart of this: A deep, centuries-old discomfort with the religious Jew. The Jew who, though a proud American citizen, refuses to assimilate entirely; the Jew who insists on her own identity and practices.

Now, more than ever, Orthodox Jews will need the mobilization and support of secular and progressive Jews. Put political affiliations aside, and focus on the fact that in broad daylight, innocent Orthodox Jews are getting attacked — while politicians sit idly by.

Our secular brethren may walk in the street and have the luxury of blending into the crowd, as anonymous New Yorkers, but we wear our identities on our sleeves. And this puts us at the very front lines of anti-Semitism in the United States today.

What will it take to get you to pay attention?

The answer is simple.

Jew-haters target the Orthodox because they are visibly Jewish.  Every anti-Semitic cartoon and trope about Jews who look like Jews and are insular and not integrated into society caricature the Orthodox.

Why the Secular or Progressive Jewish community fails to stand up for the Orthodox is that the Secular or Progressive Jews are not Jews.  They are Bagel Bolsheviks or  Lox Liberals or Schmaltz Socialists (a Jews play on Limousine Liberals and Champagne Socialists).  They are Leftists and identity more strongly with that then they do the Jewish Community.

The Orthodox are overwhelmingly Conservative.  If not true Republicans, they are far more Conservative than Progressive Jews.  So when a Progressive favored minority violently attacks a Conservative Jew who is unabashedly Jewish, the Progressive Jew is inclined to side the way of other Progressives and not with their fellow Jew.

That is why the ADL, the wretched hive of Progressive Jewish scum and villainy, responds to an attack on Jews by holding a press conference with the instigator of tow American Programs: Al Sharpton.  Because the best way to fight anti-Semitism is to hold up the man responsible for the Crown Heights Riot and Freddy’s Fashion Mart arson.

The Progressive Jews activists and donors to Democrat politicians of New York City do not are about the attacks on Orthodox Jews and so chose not to use their influence to help.

Consider this: 53% of Jews voted for Mayro Bill de Blasio.

Just before the election of de Blasio in 2013, the New York Post published this article:

No way de Blasio missed Sandinistas’ anti-Semitism

In the wake of a short Post article noting that Bill de Blasio ignored (at best) the anti-Semitism of the rulers of Nicaragua during his 1988 visit there, his supporters have insisted the Sandinista junta wasn’t anti-Semitic. In fact, the record is clear — and ugly.

When it came to the 50 Jews in a few families who made up Nicaragua’s entire Jewish community, the Sandinistas had only scorn and hostility, even before taking power.

In December 1978, during Friday night services, a host of Sandinistas arrived in trucks and firebombed the only synagogue in Managua. As the congregation ran outside, the guerrillas forced them back in at gunpoint.

Guerrillas shouted, “Death to the Jews. What Hitler started we will finish.” Others yelled, “Judaism and Somozaism [after the then-ruler, Anastasio Somoza] are the same thing.”

A bunch of Socialists who hate Jews attacking Jews, this is… history repeating itself.

Ideologically, the Sandinistas had very close ties with both Moammar Khadafi’s Libya and Yasser Arafat’s PLO. A Sandinista cadre took part in the 1970 hijacking of an El Al airliner. The Sandinistas also fought alongside the PLO in its bid to overthrow the king of Jordan in the same year.

Both Libya and the PLO gave the Sandinistas economic and military aid after they gained power. Nicaragua became the first Central American nation to give the PLO diplomatic representation, at a time when it was listed officially by the United States as a terrorist group.

Jew-hating Muslims supporting Jew-hating Socialists.  I haven’t seen this since the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem giving support to Adolph Hitler.

Indeed, in 1988, the very year young Bill de Blasio traveled to Nicaragua, he could have read a major Rand Institute report, which noted the “support, training and arms furnished to the Sandinistas by the Palestine Liberation Organization.”

So when de Blasio went to the country, the evidence about Sandinista anti-Semitism was easy to find. This might be excused as a young man’s folly, were it not for Bill de Blasio’s continuing pride in the support he gave to Marxist Nicaragua decades ago.

So all evidence indicates that Bill de Blasio is a six-foot five-inch pile of Jew-hating Communist shit.  This is probably why he has no interest whatsoever in protecting the Orthodox Jews of New York City.

The Orthodox are not just Jews but the wrong kind of Jews.  Not just are they hated by typical Jew-haters for being obviously Jews, but they are hated by Leftist Jews for not being Progressives.  There are no Progressive political points to be scored protecting the Orthodox so they are left to get beaten bloody, and being subjects of the tyranny of New York City, they can’t even arm themselves against violent, life-threatening attacks.

Because nobody in power cares, this will continue.

The Progressives of New York and the surrounding areas will eventually do what the Leftist of Europe have done, make their area Judenfrei by ignoring attacks on Jews by other minorities.  That, I belive, is their goal.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “It’s always the places you can’t carry where you need a gun the most – more Jews attacked in NYC edition, plus bonus content”
  1. I am not a Jew, orthodox or otherwise, but I do care. If Americans can’t live in peace with people who are different from themselves, what the hell have we become. If you are a Jew, an Amish man, a Muslim, Hindu, or other different religion or race I don’t give a damn. I will respect you and expect you to respect me. However, I will be ready to defend myself if you decide you can’t abide my existence. Once you threaten me or mine, all restraints are off, act accordingly.

  2. And then, I must watch, anguished, as those who hate us take up that criticism of the dregs of our society and twist them into dangerous blanket statements that besmear entire communities.

    If you thought they were the dregs of your society, you would put them in prison. Instead, we see your treatment of Jeffrey Epstein. If you accept it, then you find it acceptable.

    Consider this: 53% of Jews voted for Mayor Bill de Blasio.

    Once upon a time the Catholics claimed their policy pronouncements should be obeyed because they worked from the best known understanding of reality. But when Galileo disproved their made-up boogieman story of Global Warming, they imprisoned him. Today “the Jews” in the mainstream media and Hollywood, but I repeat myself, mostly tell lies. Now, if you want to stop doing collectivism and use a set group name which describes a smaller number of people than “Jews”, that would be great. Then it would be possible to discriminate, to tell the difference between, good and evil people who incidentally happen to be Jewish.

  3. Suppose Batman issued a press release saying, “All the people in the chains of commands of the Epstein non-prosecutions are evil, and I will personally place them in my personal prison, without regard for the blessing of the institution named government.” Who then would oppose Batman by snitching on him? Nearly everybody. Once you understand that the 99% of humans who aren’t libertarians are evil, the world makes a lot more sense.

    Besides, “the Jews” love to be persecuted, it gets them off. Can you name a group which is, aside from their political submissiveness kink, more positioned to produce a vigorous and successful self defense, yet less willing to do it? Rich, educated, skilled, informed, integrated, numerous: packs suitcase for the boxcar.

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