So Trump policies favored lower carbon emitting technology that reduce CO2 emissions and fuel/energy costs.

But… that’s still a problem.

And despite the success of 9.2% carbon emissions, the Left is excited that yacht and private plane owning millionaire John Kerry is taking over as Biden’s climate czar and will put us back in the Paris Accords.



Why?  Because it was never about the climate.  It was always about the control.

A free market driven success at reducing CO2 emissions without tying our hands in an international treaty doesn’t give them the micromanaging control they crave.

Trump could have cut CO2 emissions by 50% and they would still piss and moan about the Paris Accords because they want to control you life.

COVID, climate, climate, COVID, it’s all the same, a crisis that gives them justification to control your life.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “It’s not about the climate, it’s about the control”
  1. It would be good if this time around the whole scam gets challenged in court. For too long the left has gotten away with concocting “international agreements” that aren’t treaties and aren’t ratified, pretending that such things have legal force. Constitutionally speaking that’s utter nonsense. The Constitution knows only one kind of international agreement, a treaty. That is binding, but it requires Senate ratification. If it’s not ratified, it doesn’t exist. If it isn’t a treaty, it doesn’t exist. That is the Constitution’s word on the subject.

    Trump foolishly accommodated the left’s narrative. In the two most egregious examples of not-treaties (the Iran “agreement” and the Paris “accord”) the right answer was to state the fact that these are meaningless bits of paper with no Constitutional existence, and effective immediately the US disavows them entirely. Instead, in both cases he acted as if these things were real and went through the procedure spelled out in them to withdraw, including a 6 month or whatever process from announcement to actual effective withdrawal. That was completely uncalled for and it was precisely the wrong thing to do.

  2. Ok, my highly opinionated rant. CARBON DIOXIDE is NOT a “greenhouse” gas. See all them green leafy things called trees?? They take in carbon dioxide and convert it to OXYGEN. OXYGEN allows all these envirofreaks to breathe. The MORE carbon the more OXYGEN. There are more trees in this country than when George Washington was pres. ya know all that oil we sucking outta the ground? Some places its replenishing it self. All these freaks need to crawl back to thier tiny house(made with plastic) and shut up.

  3. “It’s not about [insert issue]; it’s about control,” is a pretty common refrain when it comes to Leftists.

    Someone should make that into a shirt, with a white box for [insert issue] and sell it with a washable marker, so you can write in whatever you want and change it with each washing.

    (Dang, there I go again giving out business ideas….)

  4. Also, Jake Tapper is crediting “market forces” for the decline in CO2, and not policy changes. What he’s not seeing (and Ivanka is not doing a great job of calling him on) is that Trump loosening regulations allowed more innovation and less taxes, which meant bigger R&D budgets, which leads to more efficiency and the development of better, more efficient products.

    Market forces may demand changes, but over-strict regulations and no capital for R&D means those changes can’t happen, regardless of demand.

    Trump lowered or removed the hurdles, companies were better able to respond to market demands, and so we have the improved efficiency and lowered CO2 emissions the market demanded. He didn’t have to change policy to do it, just get out of the way.

    Expect the Biden administration to both re-enact the over-strict regulations and high corporate taxes that stifle further innovation AND somehow claim credit for the lowered CO2 emissions we’re already seeing. Tighter control and revisionist history at their best.

  5. It is not about the climate. It is about political party.

    Had this been the end of Hillary’s first term, and one of her staff tweeted the same exact thing Ivanka Trump tweeted, there would be nothing but praise and affirmation that Hillary is doing the worlds best job as President.

    Remember the first axiom of politics. It is always in play.

  6. I always love the expression on the faces of the climate nazis, when I point out that if they really believe the reducing CO2 emissions is a matter of life and death, why don’t they demand rapid replacement of fossil fueled power plants with a proven, reliable form of electric power capable of providing carbon free base load power, i.e nuclear?

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