Video of a cop trying to arrest a very drunk & very belligerent firefighter that did not end well.

It kinda reminds you of another case, doesn’t it?

Just like that went from stupid drunk to dead. No matter how much tequila you may had, you ain’t bulletproof.
According to PINAC:

A citizen video showing a struggle between a Kansas City cop and an off-duty firefighter in which the firefighter flips the cop on his back and punches him repeatedly in the face before the cop pulls out a gun and kills him, was released this week after a grand jury declined to indict the officer.

Thanks to the video, we can see it was the right decision made by the grand jury, especially when we learn of what led up to the struggle, which was essentially that the firefighter, Anthony Bruno, had been drinking and had gotten into an argument with a cab driver over the fare. The cab driver threw the fare into his wife’s face, so Bruno punched him several times before storming off.

The cop, Donald Hubbard, who was in uniform working security at a hotel, witnessed this exchange and ran after the firefighter to arrest him, which is when the struggle ensued as well as when another man pulled out a camera and began video recording.

Not knowing the background, the man is being critical of the officer, which is why he is video recording. His female companion says she wants to intervene, but he tells her not to, which is a wise decision because that could have easily gotten her shot or at least charged with interfering.

At one point, the cop looks towards the witnesses and asks them for help. Seconds later, the firefighter flips him on his back and starts punching him in the face. And seconds after that, the cop pulls out a gun and fires twice, ending the struggle.”

I was not expecting the punches on that particular way and I winced at the images: I don’t care what some say, that has to hurt and produce damage.

I will reserve my comments about the “journalists.”

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Just a couple of punches, no harm.”
  1. The people recording the incident are A.) Idiots, as is clear by their comments and B.) the worst kind of people for recording the video vertically, turn your phones people!!!

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