So if I take everything I’ve seen on Twitter in the last few days and put it together into one big picture, it looks like this.

Calling a hyper-violent gang whose motto is (translate) “kill, rape, control” and is known for their signature of dismembering people with machetes “animals” dehumanized them and denies them their “spark of divinity.”  It’s wrong and we shouldn’t do it because, the holocaust.**

On the other hand…

Just a couple of weeks shy of the anniversary of the Republican Congressional Baseball Shooting and only a few days after some nut shot up Trump’s property in Doral, FL, Twitter is having a “debate” on whether or not it is okay to attack a 25 year old Conservative reporter for The Blaze, by throwing a drink at her, because she might have deserved it.

If calling MS-13 animals is one step on the road to genocide, how many further steps down that same road is throwing something on someone over a political opinion?

If “the debate” decides that throwing a drink in a woman’s face is fine if she’s a Conservative, what else can be thrown at her?  Drain cleaner?  The Rubicon of ideological violence has been crossed, so now it is just a matter of degree.

Given what is going on in London right now, I’m pretty sure if a liquid is deliberately thrown at me, I’m not sure if it’s safe to assume it won’t melt my eyeballs.

The Left: “We can’t call vicious rapists and murders animals, that’s mean.”

Also the Left: “Just to what degree to Conservatives deserve to be physically assaulted?”



Dear Fellow Jews,

How do you like being compared to MS-13 by Democrats?  The centuries of European antisemitism and decades of German antisemitic propaganda did lead the way to the Holocaust.  I won’t deny that.

However, to equatable between years of being portrayed as vermin for the assumption of genetic inferiority to calling a group of gang raping murderers “animals” for their savage, violent behavior.

It is both intellectually and morally dishonest.

Moreover, defending MS-13 by invoking the Holocaust equates European Jews with MS-13.  We were not rapist and murderers in Europe.  We did not import drugs and violence into Germany.  This false equivalence and moral preening is beyond offensive.  It shows a callus disrespect to the victims of the holocaust and to any victim of ethnic cleansing or genocide.

To the Democrats, a Jewish child butchered by Josef Mengele is no different than a MS-13 gang member who butchers a girl he just raped with a machete.  They were both called a mean name by the man in charge.



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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Just want to make sure I understand the situation correctly”
  1. She needs to have the stones to press charges there instead of blowing it off. if you don’t punish the animals for f*cking up, they will keep doing it. You have to make it personally painful for them to show their true nature like that. If it were reversed the police would have been there in an instant and every Republican politician within 100 miles would be called on to refute the violent nature of conservatism! I am all for Obamas feelings of bringing a gun to a knife fight. And we have the biggest guns so bring it.

  2. Heres hoping she charges. Throwing water on someone is assault, ask me how I know….like JK says-how do I know its not acid or bleach. . If it happened to one of us what would we do?

  3. I wish there was a word or phrase to describe my disgust with some of humanity. We live in age where infinite information is available to everyone and people still choose to be ignorant.

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