The Intercept appears to be some online media outlet that swings left in what little I just perused of it. In their about page, they seem to be defiant and willing to do what’s right.


Glenn Greenwald, one the founders, just quit because he got one of his stories censored. What was the story about?

The final, precipitating cause is that The Intercept’s editors, in violation of my contractual right of editorial freedom, censored an article I wrote this week, refusing to publish it unless I remove all sections critical of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, the candidate vehemently supported by all New-York-based Intercept editors involved in this effort at suppression.

The censored article, based on recently revealed emails and witness testimony, raised critical questions about Biden’s conduct. Not content to simply prevent publication of this article at the media outlet I co-founded, these Intercept editors also demanded that I refrain from exercising a separate contractual right to publish this article with any other publication.

I guess The Intercept does have problems holding the powerful accountable if he happen to be running for President of the United States with a “D” attached to his name.

But modern media outlets do not air dissent; they quash it. So censorship of my article, rather than engagement with it, was the path these Biden-supporting editors chose.

And Mr. Greenwald just discovered water is wet and his ideological fellows are the true fascists of the world.  He is now Enemy of the People.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Karma: When the News Outlet you create, censors your Biden Story”
    1. Well, “bias-free” and “Glenn Greenwald” have never actually gone hand-in-hand. He’s even been caught a couple of times fabricating stories, or deceptively editing quotes to flip their intended meaning. He even got busted for sock-puppetry way back in the day.

      He can DIAF.

      1. I was going to say he could hire as his lawyer the felon he tried to get admitted to the Illinois Bar, but last I heard that guy was still in federal prison for trying to arrange the murder of a federal judge.

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