But his support for open carry surprises people who have actually pushed for it in Tallahassee.Two leading open carry supporters, Sen. Greg Steube, R-Sarasota, and former Senate President Don Gaetz, R-Niceville, can’t recall Putnam ever doing anything to get the bill passed.”Zero,” Gaetz said. “He didn’t help and he didn’t hurt. He played no role in moving the bill. He never called me or approached me about the bill or offered to help.”

Source: Open carry advocates ask Adam Putnam: Where have you been? | Tampa Bay Times

Silly me. I seem to recall that Mr Putnam is in the EXECUTIVE so there is nothing much he can do to write legislation which tends to be the realm of State Senators. I mean, that is unless Mr. Gaetz is agreeing with the Miami Judge who said Legislators are not supposed to write laws.

Or maybe is because the Florida jelly-spined GOP has been suddenly confronted with a lot of pissed off Gun Owners and they are trying to share the guilt.

We need to weed out Tallahassee.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Legislator: You keep using that word. ”
  1. Speaking of our do-nothing legislature, is there any place to get a blow-by-blow description of what happens up in the committee meetings? I’d like to find out if my representatives and senators are worth re-electing. Finding out what they actually did on the things I care about would be good.

    Does the state keep minutes of the meetings? Something we could read that’s likely to be objective?

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