Leni Riefenstahl — Google her — would’ve been proud. As propaganda goes, this was a masterpiece, playing like Yo-Yo Ma on a Stradivarius the racial, religious, and cultural resentments that gave rise to our present president.Indeed, many observers saw the ad as a coded incitement to violence. One gun owner, commenting on Facebook, called it “disgusting.” Another said the NRA was “hate mongering.” Still, another called it a “terrorist” group.”

Source: The NRA plays upon Americans’ religious, racial and cultural fears | Miami Herald

Leonard Pitts is a columnist for the Miami Herald, my local bird dropping catcher. He pretty much dislikes anybody at the right of Winnie Mandela and I would not be surprised if he has a picture of Patrice Lumumba illuminated by candles in his office. And, of course, if you are White, you are suspicious. If you are a person of color who does not agree with him, you are a traitor.

With minorities and women being the fastest growing segment of new Gun Owners, dear old Leonard here is afraid he won’t be able to use the “Fear The White Devil” shtick for much longer.
He knows it is not just owning the guns but becoming self-sufficient, not depending on somebody else for safety and people finding out he’s been lying to them for decades. And that has to be scaring him shitless.

Armed Citizens of ANY color simply cannot be intimidated easily and then you will face terrible consequences for doing so. A black person with a gun is not a threat to the NRA but to the Democratic Party Plantation Values.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Leonard Pitts is afraid. ”
  1. He’s got a point about cop killings. The best the NRA can do about the Philando Castile murder is an ad for NRA Carry Guard? Pitts may attribute it to racism, but I can’t help noticing that the NRA stops being keen on carry rights when it requires them to say anything the least bit critical of cops.

    1. ” NRA stops being keen on carry rights when it requires them to say anything the least bit critical of cops.”

      Really? NRA Officials has stood with NYPD or NJ Troopers asking for a ban on Assault Weapons?
      Sorry, you may not like the NRA, but that does not mean you get to make up stuff.

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