I saw this while working on another post.

The account it is from is AltDIA.

This claims it to be one of the unofficial “alternative” accounts for a government agency, in which agency employees secretly post their own feelings that are different from the official position of said government agency.

I have bitched about Rogue NASA before, it is one of those alt accounts.

These were created by government employees that hate Trump and want to be part of the #Resistance from inside the agency.

In this case, the DIA is the Defense Intelligence Agency.

In this Tweet, the employee posting sees the Socialist AOC as the key for wiping out the non Progressives of Congress.

AltDIA retweeted this from AltImigration.

This is supposedly US goverment employees trying to get people to commit crimes against the President of the Untied States.

Look, I believe in the freedom of speech, but if these are in fact government employees, than they are undermining the safety and security of the Untied States in their official duties.

They’ve already called Trump “Hitler” and “Stalin” he might as well start acting like it, at least by purging people like this out of the government and into prison.



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By J. Kb