I don’t want to seem like I am dancing on graves.  I’m not.

However, I do believe that this London murder spree has come really when the zeitgeist needed it most.

In continued following of the new Battle of Britain, I came across this Tweet from a few days ago from Regents Park Police.

Yep, pliers are now being taken in a weapons sweep.

I don’t know what the circumstances are that resulted in this, but at face value, this is beyond ridiculous.  Except for the file, that looks like it was taken out of tool kit I put in my wife’s glove box.

The London police cannot ban items and confiscate tools fast enough to make a dent in their crime wave.

Why?  Because it’s the people, that’s why.

What is a weapon to one is a livelihood too many more.  The Mayor and the police don’t care about that and your garbage disposal is going to stay broken, less you decide to go on a rampage with your needle nose pliers.

To go even further the government has decided to implement a “ban on home deliveries of knives in government crackdown after surge in London stabbings.”

Anyone buying a knife online will be banned from having it sent to a residential address, under a government crackdown following a surge in street stabbings.

That’s the London equivalent to universal background checks.  Your Amazon order for a new set of steak knives is now a crime.

Of course, if you go into the comments on any of these posts are articles, Americans are dunking on the UK.  The fact is, the UK has engaged in the biggest and cruelest experiment in the English speaking world.  If you try to reduce criminality by limiting the items available to the general public, all you will do is criminalize the general public and lose control of the crime rate.

This is the gun argument a thousand times over pushed to the extreme.

Knife bans and blunt tipped knives are not saving lives any more than magazine capacity and assault weapon bans are.  They just nail innocent people.

Every TV discussion on this topic needs to go back to London where when they were done taking the guns away from law abiding citizens, they went after their needle nose pliers and eyeglass screwdrivers while the bodies still piled up.

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “London to the rescue”
  1. Anything can be used as a weapon by the clever ape called human. As J.Kb said, it’s the people not the tools.
    Will the Londonistan major be asking popos to confiscate pens, pencils, sporks, kabob’s sticks, letter openers, chairs, lumber, plumbing and rocks now? What an idiot.

  2. Ban anything and every thing, and humans will resort to sticks and stones from upon the ground. And pebbles, too. Oh, and fists, those fists of bravery.

  3. Every TV discussion on this topic needs to go back to London where when they were done taking the guns away from law abiding citizens, they went after their needle nose pliers and eyeglass screwdrivers while the bodies still piled up.

    Yes. Every talking head that has ever said the U.S. should be more like Europe, or more like England (looking at you, Piers Morgan!), should have their proverbial noses rubbed in the s#!t-pile that is the current state of London. This is what happens when you take all the guns from all the law-abiding citizens subjects and criminalize self-defense. The bad guys still have guns. Or, knowing they face easier targets, they substitute other weapons and still have the advantage, understanding that if their intended victim even punches back, the victim faces harsher punishment than the aggressor.

    And this is the environment the anti-gun and anti-self-defense crowd wants in America. It’s time to call them out, every one.

    But beyond that, every TV discussion ALSO needs to be forced to confront the uncomfortable elephant in the room: that this kind of violence is what happens when you get disparate groups with wildly different sets of beliefs and values (and at least one of which has no qualms about killing the “Other”), and shove them together in a small city expecting them to “make nice”.

    This is NOT a “racist” or “Islamophobic” argument, either. Race/ethnicity aside, religion aside, London has welcomed a massive influx of people who feel justified in assaulting and/or killing people not like themselves over otherwise-trivial disagreements, and has removed the means and legal justification for their citizens subjects to resist being killed.

    It’s been common-sense knowledge for a LONG time, supported by centuries of human history, that peace requires two willing parties, but war only requires one. England (and greater Europe) has ignored that in favor of political correctness, and now faces the consequences.

  4. I’d already abandoned any hope of taking my family to Germany, to show them the sights I recalled from my military days. Now it appears I won’t even be able to visit Great (gaping chasm of suck and fail that used to be) Britain again.

  5. It’s like someone saw the Monty Python “Self Defense” sketch, and took it seriously.
    Next dangerous thing on the block- FRESH FRUIT!!!! *twitch*

  6. Historically many effective and useful weapons have been developed because the “powers that be” decided that only their goons (knights, samurai, etc.) were allowed to carry “arms.” Examples, include the quarter staff (walking stick), slingshot (Like David used), and the Halberd (evolved from a pruning hook). Modern technology suggests even more ways to commit mayhem without having officially banned “weapons.”

    Not to mention the various unarmed combat martial arts.

    The mind is the true weapon, the rest are merely tools.

    1. That’s true. But still, martial arts and other options were created not because they were the best choice, but because they were the least bad choice from among those permitted to the peons.
      Free people have *effective* weapons.

      1. Also true, but the martial weapons (including the four “classics” from Japan/Okinawa: bo/jo staff, nunchaku, tonfa, and kama) weren’t the “least bad choice from among those permitted to the peons.” The peons were not allowed ANY weapons. So they developed martial arts based around items (slightly) modified from existing necessary farming tools and innocuous enough to pass inspection by the emperor’s goons. A free people certainly would choose more effective weaponry, but they weren’t a free people, and nunchaku (with a little practice) are far better than harsh words.

        (Personally, I’m a big fan of pocket sticks, especially in “hostile” environments [read: enforced “weapon-free zones”]. I cut mine from an oak dowel and sanded the ends rounded and smooth; it passes as harmless [I put it in my backpack and take it everywhere, including on airplanes, past TSA], but it’s also cheap and easily replaced if lost. It also takes very little training; it just provides a little extra leverage or force concentration to techniques I already know or can tweak.)

        But back to Nuke Road Warrior’s point: people intent on instigating mayhem will find a way even if they’re denied weapons. Humans are nothing if not creative and resourceful, and just about anything, regardless of what it’s designed or made for, can be USED as a weapon. Even the Brits can’t ban gasoline (“petrol”) and whiskey without causing major social upheaval, but petrol in a whiskey bottle with a little strip of cloth (for example) makes a VERY effective tool for mayhem and destruction.

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