Dave Bautista tried to bullshit us into believing that Biden was a Pro-2A guy, even though he wanted an AWB and voluntary buybacks.

Apparently, he didn’t like the responses to his Tweet so h tried to clarify.

I know it’s cliche, but it’s the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.

Besides, given what we’ve seen in terms of rioting, looting, and mob street violence, an AR-15 is becoming much more of a need every day.

Then all hell broke loose because a man who pretends to be an indestructible alien warrior for a living, in real life has very thin skin.

I’d like to remind people of a case in Oklahoma where a man was the victim of a home invasion where three armed people broke into his parent’s house while he was staying there and defend himself with an AR-15.

An AR is a very effective home defense weapon, especially when the defender is outnumbered.

Bautista is a big fan of Biden.

I guess he’s been listening to Biden’s nonsensical and illegal advice to defend yourself with a double-barrel shotgun by firing warning shots into the air and to shoot people in the legs.

Personally, I think that anyone who listens to a man who was a lawyer and Senator and who tells people to engage in criminal behavior with a firearm is an idiot.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Man who pretends for a living doubles down”
  1. These kinds of people will always, always, always resort to “oh you think you’re so tough, fight me coward” whether or not they’re qualified.

    You see it in hollywood tough guys, gym rats, folks who haven’t been punched in the nose enough times to know it sucks, and precious protected princesses who watched Resident Evil and Hunger Games and “can like toooootally you guys you dont even like knooow”.

    I won’t get in to a fist fight with Bautistata but then I don’t wish him any ill will and have no reason to. IF however someone of similar build were to wish me harm well then thats why 10mm was invented and you carry more ammo than Carter had little liver pills.

    As much security and privacy as these folks have you know they consider their home (homes!) inviolate and the same for their person and privacy. Shame they don’t consider the same right to be allowed for us little folk.

    1. I’m old, slow and fat. I’m in no condition to take a hit from somebody like him. Heck, I’m in no shape to take a hit from most buff teenagers. I want distance and a force multiplier.

      When I lived in state that made carrying a weapon of any kind a felony, I carried a police style flash light made of aluminum and powered by a huge number of D cells. Still have that sucker.

      When a friend went to live in NYC, I made her a 10″ aluminum dildo with a steel core that should could carry on her key ring (she knew how to use a baton). In NYC walking down the street with a pink dildo in your hand gets no attention, walking down the street with the clip of your pocket knife showing can get you arrested.

      Today I live in a free state with free states east and west of me. I carry a firearm with me. I walk outside to split wood and I have a firearm with me. I drive to the store, I’m carrying. I’m to old and slow to trust in my physical responses. I have to depend on a force multiplier and I get and carry the best I can.

    2. Mandatory buy backs are “fair”….. why do we need to give up something we have no intention of using to commit felonies?? Bleep bleepin bleep this gut

  2. For bad/illegal advice from biden, you missed shoot through the door, which he said while oscar pistorious was front page news for having done that and killed his girlfriend.

  3. Taking a different tack, I don’t do Twatter but if I did, I’d have asked him, “where do you find any proof whatsoever that those measures would “save lives, Drax? It’s like castrating yourself to stop other men from raping.”

    Which is good example of why nobody would talk to me on Twatter.

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