TARPON SPRINGS, Fla. — Bill Dunn spotted the woman at the Publix sub counter, leaning over the glass that guards the lettuce and tomatoes.
Another man stood nearby, waiting on his cold cuts.
Neither wore masks, despite a local order that mandates face coverings to enter a business.
“Why are they in the store?” Dunn, 65, recalled thinking. “I thought I was safe in a store like this.”
Dunn has diabetes and sometimes uses an oxygen machine. His health conditions put him at risk of dying should he catch the coronavirus. He takes mask use seriously.
What happened next is up for debate, though everyone involved agrees that Dunn is now banned from the Tarpon Springs Mall Publix.
A police report describes Dunn as “highly irate.” The Publix manager told officers he cursed at her and caused a scene.
Dunn admits he was loud, but he called the police report overblown. He just wanted employees to remind shoppers that masks were required.
“They said, ‘no, we are not enforcing the law,’ ” Dunn said. “Well, then what are the rest of us supposed to do? This isn’t a matter of no shirts or shoes, it’s a public health crisis.”

Tampa Bay mask rules spur hundreds of 911 calls

This is hilarious. Testicular Karen raises such an amount of hell that Publix, a company that bends over backwards for the customer, banned his sorry ass and the cops reported he was being an asshole.

And that said asshole forced a call to the police to attend a minor avoidable incident rather than keep an eye for the big stuff. A waste of taxpayer’s money because Dunn could not simply take his business where they would cover his health concern. This was not about the virus but about territoriality. Apparently Dunn marked the produce section and wanted interlopers gone.

It must stink.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Mask mandate floods Tampa’s 911”
  1. You have to be one hella of a moronic douchebag to be banned from Publix. Gonna hazard a guess that he’s a registered DemonKKKrat. LOL!

    Congrats, Mr. Dunn. :::golf clap::: Go pick your “Karen” participation trophy.




    Yes sir. This is what civilization has been reduced to. We have such horrific first world problems that this jackass actually thinks it is society’s responsibility to ensure he does not get sick. Oh… wait, they failed him already as he has diabetes. (Probably self inflicted as well) And, he is on O2, which generally does not happen without some assistance from the person needing oxygen.

    Society has failed this poor man repeatedly. I wonder why he is so worked up now?

  3. “They said, ‘no, we are not enforcing the law,’ ” Dunn said. “Well, then what are the rest of us supposed to do?”

    Ummm… go to a different store? Really, just speak with the manager about your concerns, leave your cart right there in the middle of the aisle (if you feel like being a dick and making the employees put everything away), and GTFO. No muss, no fuss, and no lifetime ban.

    Put another way, act like a f@#$ing adult.

    Or, order your groceries from Amazon Market, and if people won’t obey your tyrannical little diktats, don’t go out among them. Pansy.

    We don’t have Publix here, but if we did, I’d shop there just because their management had the spine to stand up to Diatribic Diabetic Karen here.

  4. I feel for this guy if he’s genuinely got a compromised immune system, but that just means he’s always at risk then. Even if you could wish COVID away, there’s millions of other pathogens all around and within us at all times, that’s never going to change. I’m honestly beginning to wonder if most people are unaware of how many microorganisms and viruses are out there.

    1. I feel for the guy, too. But he knows he has a compromised immune system; nobody else does. It’s none of their business, and it’s not their responsibility to drop everything to accommodate him. Instead, he should be taking steps to keep himself safe and healthy, and not expecting everyone else to do it for him.

      Also, I concluded long ago that if the general population knew how many viruses, bacteria, and fungi were out there and could potentially kill them, they’d bathe hourly in Lysol and never leave their homes.

      (Most get extremely freaked out when they learn the number of bacteria that live in their own stomach and intestinal linings, and unconsciously start itching when they find out how many routinely live on their skin. And those bacteria are HELPFUL AND NECESSARY for human survival!)

      If they could do a proper and thorough risk assessment, they’d go crazy over the number of possibly-lethal dangers they face every day. Even if the vast, vast majority of them are extremely low probability, to the uninitiated the sheer number makes it look like we’re in constant imminent mortal danger and only alive at the end of each day by divine intervention.

      At times I’m tempted to tell people how many viruses, bacteria, and fungi are out there, just to see their reaction. But not right now; people are far too freaked out by CoViD as it is, and need to chill the f@$# out.

      1. I actually think many people are developing agoraphobia from this. They’ve become so afraid of something that’s such a minor risk to the vast majority of the population, they just want to retreat into their homes until it’s ‘over’.

        1. I’ll admit the first time I went shopping after “reopening” the “crowd” gave me a bit of anxiety, but it went away quick.

          I mentioned this to my sister who does psych testing, and she confirmed they’re seeing more cases.

      2. He’s doubly dumb, with two type 1 diabetics in the house we’ve done our research and while T1D is an autoimmune disorder it does not compromise immunity so there is no additional risk of getting CCP virus. In his the combination of diabetes and oxygen points towards Type 2 which is not autoimmune so he’s just freaked out.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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