As I have said, the “protests” are no longer about the death of George Floyd anymore but political thuggery or at least that is what the message has come to be. All four cops involved in the affair are under arrest on different charges from Murder Two to aiding and abetting. Justice is moving and many people are asking what is going on, Justice was asked for Floyd, the system has worked, what else do you want? To lynch the cops? That would be an interesting thing to ask, specially coming from the Black political structure.

Black Lives Matter has not had a lot of luck trying to be an influencing force and it was mostly their own doing. They backed “murder by police” cases that turned out to be righteous shootings and proven by the item they demanded the most: Body-worn cameras. There has been other cases where cops have indeed done wrong and have been dealt by the Justice system and they cried about it, but the Justice they shouted was served and they could not complain much or otherwise show they are not about the proper treatment of the Black community but for political power.

The death of Floyd was a happy concentration of things that lead to where we are right now: Shitty cop, a Liberal city whose Mayor and acolytes had no problem throwing the whole police department under the bus, a Media desperately trying to come up with a racial cause to continue to sabotage the presidency and the pent up emotions and lack of patience of people suffering from being mandated to be at home because of the pandemic.

The marches are not because Justice has not been served, the marches are simply and overstated picnic by people suffering a political case of Cabin Fever and the need to lash out “legally” rather than kill somebody they live with. But the effects are labeled as some sort of Civil Rights effort to bamboozle the People. They still have not answered how the Civil Rights cause is moved forward by stealing stores and setting buildings on fire after they cleaned them out of sneakers.

The message of George Floyd was lost about 5 days ago and it is not coming back.

See? It is all politics now. The Left has already buried Mr. Floyd’s spirit.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Message Lost”
  1. The head of BLM had this to say:

    But as rioting continues across the nation, Newsome refused to call for an end to the violence and looting.

    Instead he believes the world needs to be more ’empathetic’ towards the rioters.

    ‘You’re talking about people who have been told time and time again that their black lives don’t matter,’ he said.

    ‘You’re talking about a people who witnessed their peers and their family members incarcerated at unfair rates.

    ‘You’re looking at people who are miseducated and then to add insult to injury, the government allows police to come in and kill us and allow police officers to continuously get away with killing us. Any person would be outraged.’

    Newsome said the looting is ultimately a product of capitalist America and its treatment of the black community.

    ‘They want to go out and grab all those things that America told them that they should have, but they couldn’t have,’ he said.

    Here is the story:

    1. Yeah, I’d be more sympathetic if more urban parents actually took an interest in their kids’ education. I’d be more sympathetic if good students weren’t ostracized and told they’re selling out.

      But that’s me. I won’t go much into my own story, but it involves a single parent who cared enough to do all she could for her son’s education, and to try to raise him right, even though the family was on public assistance for a while. So I do have a little bit of perspective on what a dedicated, caring parent can do even without much money.

  2. So the mask comes off. It isn’t equality, it is the end of capitalism. Just another communist/socialist trying to tear down America in order to create a “workers paradise”.

  3. If you clean the rioters mess off of your building, you are a racist?

    Seriously, is there anything these idiots do not see as a race issue?

    Good write up here:

    To paraphrase the head of BLM:
    “‘You’re talking about people who have been told time and time again that their race matters,’ he said.” (Emphasis mine.)

    Seriously, this is not about their lives not mattering, it is about people in power and authority telling generations of blacks that they should have a free ride, that their skin color is an excuse for any misdeed they commit. That they are somehow entitled to something without having to earn it. They are told to ignore reality, and expect as good, if not better, of a life than those that work hard and earn what they have.

    And, every time someone who is “turning their life around.” ends up dead at the hands of the police, or a homeowner defending their family, the entire community gets up in arms because “black lives matter.”

  4. “That’s a great way to use your white privilege, ladies.”

    The one in the middle, with the red tank top, looked at least part Hispanic.

    Maybe she’s a “White Hispanic”, since that’s been a thing since George Zimmerman?

    And once again, a video snippet showing an activity taken without context. I’d bet cash money they’re out there ALL DAY washing ALL graffiti, regardless of the underlying message.

    IOW, they’re by definition NOT discriminating.

    But the person taking the video can’t see anything but racial hatred. That says more about the person behind the camera than the people in front of it.

  5. I watched a black woman blame all violence in the Chicago black community on the police, no mention of the 20+ black on black murders last weekend. And it’s all the fault of white people

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