The headline:

How a Wild West-style standoff turned deadly in South Beach.

Immediately your thoughts go six-shooters blazing, bullets flying everywhere, horses trying to run away and women wearing petticoats hiding with the piano player.  But unless what I read about the “Wild West” has been grossly inaccurate, the incidents of fistacuffs and bar stool tossings at Tombstone pizza parlors were pretty much unheard of.

About the only commonality was one guy getting shot by the Law for refusing to put his gun down upon request. There is always a Curly Bill Broscious trying to be ornery when he shouldn’t.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

15 thoughts on “Miami Herald: Exagerating just a tiny bit.”
  1. Okay, well here’s the rest of the story that you didn’t bother to mention…


    “Marvin Pognon found himself alone with his gun, facing off with a Miami Beach cop.“Drop the weapon. Drop the weapon,” the officer shouted.Police say he refused — and didn’t live to see the dawn. Pognon, a 22-year-old talent manager with no prior criminal record in Florida, took two gunshots to the abdomen just before 5 a.m. He died at a nearby hospital a short time later.


    Pauline Alexandre, Pognon’s sister, told Miami Herald news partner WFOR-CBS 4 that her brother carried the gun for protection, but would never use it on a law officer.


    A man who said he was Pognon’s bodyguard told WSVN Channel 7 that Pognon was trying to protect his girlfriend and friends when he drew the weapon.“It shouldn’t have ended up like this, man,” he said.


    I’m thinking the Herald’s description of the situation was a fair one by mainstream media standards. I’m also thinking that you intentionally glossed over what could be called an “irresponsible gun ownership” issue that resulted in tragic fatality.

    You oughta work for Fox News, brotha.


    1. I’m curious where you’re seeing a possible “irresponsible gun ownership issue” in this article. All I see from it is a guy not smart enough to know how an officer will respond if you offer the threat of lethal force.

    2. Rick, people that read my blog tend to click on the links and read the accompanying article. Just the same and the events happened in your neighborhood (or seemingly you seem to like it much in your blog), explain to us “rednecks the following:
      “Pognon, a 22-year-old talent manager” + “Pognon’s sister, told Miami Herald news partner WFOR-CBS 4 that her brother carried the gun for protection” + “A man who said he was Pognon’s bodyguard told WSVN”

      Do explain to the uncouth readers of my blog what kind of lifestyle does 22 year old “talent” manager is living in order to be packing a gun plus needing a bodyguard.

    3. Sounds like that bodyguard wasn’t doing his job…
      And I know…he was a talent scout for the Catholic daycare center, right?
      What a surprise…

      ““Marvin Pognon found himself alone with his gun, facing off with a Miami Beach cop.“Drop the weapon. Drop the weapon,” the officer shouted.”

      To the rest of us, that sounds like a dandy time to drop the weapon.

  2. Wait, so the guy stood there in the place pointing a gun at a cop pointing a gun at him? That’s not a “Wild West” standoff. We always called that a “Mexican Standoff.”

    But it’s better to lie about the (not so) Wild West than it is to use pejorative ethnic slurs in the newspaper.

    As for being an “irresponsible gun owner,” nope. I don’t think that the rest of us honest citizens with guns should be required to take responsibility for a thug who decided to become an active participant in a major brawl, pull a gun, and point it at a cop. If all is described correctly, he got what he deserved.

    1. Marvin didn’t deserve to die he was a good Guy, respectful and he was a good friend of mine we hung out everyday after school. And knowing him he would have never disobeyed an order .Nobody deserves to die.

      1. Why Marv… I had to delete 4 duplicates. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and believe it was an honest mistake.
        Don’t let it happen again.

  3. Seems simple enough to me.

    A LEO tells you…….at gunpoint…….to drop your gun.

    You don’t comply.

    You get shot.

    Rick, do you really need help understanding this scenario?

  4. Should my driver’s licence be at stake everytime Sumdood drives off and leads police on a high speed chase?
    Should my power tools be confiscated because Cleetus routered his face off?

  5. I know Marvin and he was a good man who was just protecting his girlfriend. He was in medical school with me and he would never harm another human , he was leaving a club and in rage who can think straight under a tough situation like that. He was smart and outgoing accomplished alot for 22 that cop didnt have to shoot where it would kill i am sure he had better aim. Marvin was just trying to help like always.

    1. He was leaving a club? You mean he was carrying a concealed weapon in a prohibited place? Then he does not drop the weapon when asked. I think he made several bad decisions that day.

      And shooting to wound is a nice Hollywood fantasy.

    2. Cannot stop grieving, I happened to find this blog/ article today_ kind of late. Since it never too late to say or to do the right thing, let me tell you guys what I understand in that all “set up”, “cover up” “dirty cops’ game”… you name it.
      About gun control, whatever the Congress, the Senates or the government say, civilians in USA will always be able to buy, collect and carry guns. As any other “big time” industry, Gun Sale is a multibillion dollar industry._ It doesn’t matter how many people have been killed or murdered by guns, like it doesn’t matter how many people have been killed by cigarettes; those industries will remain strong and strong as long as USA remains strong. It is all about how much money the industry is bringing to the national economy.
      Now talking about Marvin Pognon, after seeing the video in the pizzeria, I still cannot understand someone got jumped by six guys while caring a gun_ At least one person should get hurt. Then we saw Marvin leaving the pizzeria, holding his cell phone, talking and the other hand on the shoulder of his friend @4:41am. Then the shooting occurred @ 4:43am, just the time for him to cross the street and get to the passenger door where he was still taking on the phone with the door open. Suddenly, He received three simultaneous shots._ Marvin was not even carry a gun_ No one, even Ashley Winfrey who was less than one foot from him, heart anything than Marvin being shot._ See article:
      For everyone who lives in South Florida, we are well aware of the reputation of the MBPD as the worst of the nation for Cover up of Dirty cops.__ We also know that 95% of the stories about their shooting, on the Internet, are wrote by their family, friends and well affiliated news papers and or media.

  6. Cannot stop grieving, I happened to find this blog/ article today_ kind of late. Since it never too late to say or to do the right thing, let me tell you guys what I understand in that all “set up”, “cover up” “dirty cops’ game”… you name it.
    About gun control, whatever the Congress, the Senates or the government say, civilians in USA will always be able to buy, collect and carry guns. As any other “big time” industry, Gun Sale is a multibillion dollar industry._ It doesn’t matter how many people have been killed or murdered by guns, like it doesn’t matter how many people have been killed by cigarettes; those industries will remain strong and strong as long as USA remains strong. It is all about how much money the industry is bringing to the national economy.
    Now talking about Marvin Pognon, after seeing the video in the pizzeria, I still cannot understand someone got jumped by six guys while caring a gun_ At least one person should get hurt. Then we saw Marvin leaving the pizzeria, holding his cell phone, talking and the other hand on the shoulder of his friend @4:41am. Then the shooting occurred @ 4:43am, just the time for him to cross the street and get to the passenger door where he was still taking on the phone with the door open. Suddenly, He received three simultaneous shots._ Marvin was not even carry a gun_ No one, even Ashley Winfrey who was less than one foot from him, heart anything than Marvin being shot._ See article:
    For everyone who lives in South Florida, we are well aware of the reputation of the MBPD as the worst of the nation for Cover up of Dirty cops.__ We also know that 95% of the stories about their shooting, on the Internet, are wrote by their family, friends and well affiliated news papers and or media.

    1. “It is all about how much money the industry is bringing to the national economy..”
      Which industry would that be? Small arms Industry? Weapon Systems Industry? You may want to get some info first as most of the gun & rifle companies are rather small and even the “Big Ones” ain’t that big.

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