In an article about fired police officers in Miami Gardens by Charles Rabin,  all the way to the end you will find the following:

Wow! Did I miss that video? Is it found in Youtube anywhere? Did Nancy Grace and all other legal pundits on TV played it for the audiences? Was I the only human in the US that missed the video?

The video does not exists. It never did. I posted the screen cap over Andrew Branca’s FB page and I am pasting his response.

I started following Andrew in Twitter during the Zimmerman trial. He was the only one that was “narrating” step by step what was happening in court and with real legal commentary and no sensationalism and I remember that part of the detective’s interrogation brought in court.

So why lie about something that obvious? Because he can? And no, I am done giving benefit of the doubt, specially for the Media.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Miami Herald once again: A video of the Trayvon v. Zimmerman scuffle?”
  1. white community watchman George Zimmerman”

    Is Chucky there really wanting to hash that out again? Or is he going to revert to the old “white Hispanic” line?

    Also, what’s with the capitalization of “Blacks” but not “white”? That’s something white supremacists do, but in reverse, capitalizing “white” and leaving “black” all lower-case.

    Let me tell you something about respect, Chucky. You respect people by raising them up, not by tearing everyone else down. “Honoring” one by belittling and disrespecting (dare I say, “marginalizing”?) everyone else just makes you an a$$hole. If you want to focus your article on race, fine, but either capitalize them all or leave them all lower-case.

    Otherwise you’re not “fighting white supremacy”; you’re promoting black supremacy, which is just as evil.

  2. It was ABC if IIRC that manipulated the video of Z. being taken into the police station to keep the wound on his head covered by their logo.

    1. And it was NBC who edited the 9-1-1 call to make it sound like GZ offered the “He looks black” description unprompted. In the unedited audio, IIRC, the dispatcher asked for a description, GZ described his height and clothing, the dispatcher asked about complexion, and GZ answered.

      The media is the propaganda arm of racist Democrats and the anti-American Left … but I repeat myself.

  3. Oh for F’s! sake! Trevyon is dead. It was during a fight he initiated. The courts proved it. It had nothing to do with stand your ground, white supremacy, or anything other than straight up self defense. End of story.

    Martin was not even going to his dad’s house. It was his father’s girlfriends house. To my knowledge, they were not even living together. Is that the level of reporting we are getting. Cannot even correctly identify the owner of a house?

    1. The difference is that you were honest and they are not. Also, you believed that honesty was required of newspaper writers, and they feel that honesty only gets in the way of pushing the point of view they want pushed.

  4. I remember Andrew Branca’s coverage of the trial WITH the actual full video of the trial when he was blogging at “Legal Insurrection.” Then I would turn on the Nightly News, and hear their recap of the trial. I thought these professional reporters were in another entirely different court room. Nothing they said matched what Mr. Branca had written about the trial, and more importantly, WHAT I SAW WITH MY OWN EYES!!!

    I saw the trial replays on YouTube. I saw the reporters lying to my face on the national news.

    If anyone was surprised by George Zimmerman’s acquittal, it was because the were mal-informed by the news.

    1. Mr. Branca still writes for Legal Insurrection when there’s a major case, but most of his day-to-day commentary happens at his Law of Self-Defense blog.

      But I agree the reporters acted like they were watching a different trial. Part of me suspects that was on purpose; they wanted their readers/viewers to be shocked and outraged by the acquittal. I believe they wanted what happened after Mike “Gentle Giant” Brown in Ferguson, MO, and George Floyd to happen after Trayvon, too. Even though it didn’t quite then, it provided more fuel for the “racism” fire we’re seeing now.

      And that’s one reason why the modern media are worthless scum.

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