This is a recurring theme lately in the Herald. Even though the announced polls say Biden is doing double digit advantages everywhere,  there is not an air of confidence floating around about Florida.

It could simply be a disinformation campaign to lure Republican voters to stay home and not bother to vote and I am going to go with this one just to remind readers in whichever state you live in to truly go and vote. It does not matter if your county is 99.9% Red, you go vote and help secure the whole state.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Miami Herald: Prepping for the downfall?”
  1. And I’m starting to see articles interviewing poll-takers, explaining how they could be wrong.

    Not preparing for the inevitable, perhaps, (would that it were…) but perhaps a form of preemptive damage control.

  2. Even if your state is 99.9% red and the electoral votes are secure, get off your a** and go vote.

    I for one don’t want to spend 2021-24 hearing about how we need to abolish the Electoral College because Trump lost the popular vote, again.

  3. Not surprising.

    While I’ve seen a fair number of yard signs for the Democrat candidate for Senate, I am NOT seeing a lot of ‘Ridin’ with Biden’ signs (or any other sign supporting Biden/Harris).

    Which really isn’t shocking. The Biden-Harris ticket is such a hilariously weak wet fart of a campaign, my mother questions if the Dems are even serious or if they’re just throwing these two idiots under the bus and prepping the battlespace for 2024 instead.

  4. There is a reason why I make time to vote in person, ON election day. No early voting, and unless I am going to be out of the country, no absentee ballot.

    If you cast your vote in person, they cannot “not count it” for some technicality. Early votes, mailed in votes, etc… are all subject to rejection.

    Get out there, vote for who you want to win, and please, please, PLEASE!!!!! make sure you pay attention to your State and Local races. Especially if judges are on the ballot this year. If you do not know candidates, or judges, research them.

  5. I wonder if some states are going to cancel in-person voting at dawn on Nov 3rd “because of COVID health concerns”.

  6. Nah, media heads have been planning and prepping us for months on how it’ll go down.

    Election day, in person voting will launch Trump into the lead, but the mail in votes will take several days to count, which might give it to Biden.
    In other words, once all of Trump’s votes are in, they’ll know how many falsified ballots they need to tip the scale and contest the election. If I were a bettin’ man, I’d go all in on this prediction.

    1. The entire process seems to be designed to cause strife and violence.

      There are just two real possibilities:
      1) Trump wins. In which case the left goes off their freaking rockers (not that far to go for them) and starts rioting. Burn, Loot and Murder. And instead of just a few cities, it is nation wide. Their excuse will be that Trump kept people from voting. I.e he stole the election
      2) Biden wins. In which case the right starts screaming about voter fraud and demanding that something be done. It might lead to violence and if it does, it is not going to be pretty.

      No matter how this election turns out, around 50% of the country will believe that the outcome was fraudulently obtained.

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