
TN pediatric clinics overwhelmed with patients as Delta variant continues to affect kids | WZTV (fox17.com)

The image that comes to our minds is rows of beds filled with intubated little children in their last throes because of the virus. And then you read the article:

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — Some local pediatricians are overwhelmed with the number of appointment requests they’re getting amid the surge in COVID-19 child cases.

We went from an overwhelmed medical system to some docs having a bunch of appointments probably interfering with their golf game or banging the receptionist.

This is why people do not trust the Media. They DEMAND we trust the science, but the first thing they do is give us bullshit information parsed to create panic. The people affected by this panic then go on to “overwhelm” a couple of doctor’s offices with appointments which in turn make the news and is touted as proof we need more restrictions. They are willing participants in the Covid Theater of Horror because it sells and they are all for the ratings and clickbait.

And this is also why there is a “healthy” Anti Vax and Covid Denier culture. So many lies and contradictions go to fuel paranoia which goes to make some people take decisions that may not be the best.

Covid is turning out to be the biggest political epidemic game, much bigger than AIDS ever was. Hell, it has improved so much more that we have de facto dictatorships in Australia and New Zealand and more than one folk in government here wishing the could do the same to us here.

I always ask “If your cause is righteous, why lie?” and these sumbitches finally answered:

“Because it gives us unlimited power.”

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Miles and Miles of Editorial Dishonesty: DO IT FOR THE CHILDREN! (The Covid version)”
    1. Hmm, yeah. How much of this is the backlog of routine stuff that Didn’t Happen the past year and a half? How much is RSV (which seems to have a year and a half of cases all crammed into a couple of months)? And how much is the common cold, perhaps being mistaken for the Delta Variant?

  1. Lots of Children with RSV are a huge problem up here in MN. It is filling the perdiatric hospitals. Occasionally the local newscasters announce “RSV is a problem along with COVID.”

    Then I look at the MN Covid Death Data. The same poor 3 souls under the age of 20 are listed as dead since at least last year. 3 out of 123,786 under 20YO cases. 99.99758% survival rate.

    Dave Rubin and Adam Carrolla had an interesting insight. COVID is dangerous to and kills old people. But to get the Mommies scared and keep them scared, they have to make it sound dangerous for kids. Keep the Mommies scared to keep their power!

    1. “Keep the Mommies scared to keep their power!”
      Yup. That’s Deimocracy for ya! Through the power of Deimos, keep the masses perpetually terrified of What Might Happen if Big Brother weren’t taking such good care of us.

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