By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “Military Active Shooter Training: Two Examples.”
  1. They left out:
    Piss on yourself.
    Shit your pants.
    Puke on the attacker.
    Tell attacker you have AIDS.
    and the biggie:
    DIE because you are disarmed by your government and can not be trusted to use the weapons you designed and had built.

  2. Actually, current ATFP training requirements (which even civlian DoD employees and contractors are required to take) are fairly good. They even differenciate in what you should do for cover during a grenade attack versus firarms (yes, the cover strategies are different, because of the physics and geometery of the attacks).

    It also covers improvised weapons and counterattacks. The two slides above are out of presentations that are probably over a hundred slides long. . . no, I won’t forward them, the course material I just finished a few weeks ago is clearly marked “FOUO – NOFORN”, so I can’t disseminate them.

    I do resent the fact that all of the strategies assume I am unarmed. But since that IS the reality, ever since the 1993 Clinton order, it’s a reality the training has to acknowledge.

      1. Not carried, AFAIK. But I do believe you could have one in your car. Most organizational regulations would prohibit carrying ANY weapon, even a collapseable baton. For example, I cannot carry a pocketknife larger than 3″ blade, and NO fixed blade knives.

  3. Fire extinguishers. By law there’s one 50 feet from any work area. It’s a non-contact weapon, although more annoying and disorienting than anything. However, the empty is a fairly substantial metal container that can be used to beat the perps cranium into mush.

  4. ^^ THIS ^^

    I reminded of the advice Drill Sergeant Allen gave me one very hot and humid day in 1987:

    “Every hand to hand combat move has the same finishing move. Once you’ve got him on the ground, tap dance on his face with your combat boots until he’s squishy and flat.”

  5. The Sekret Skwirl Official Nomenclature for that move is, “The Fred Astaire”. What can I say? DS Allen was Old School. . .

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