This happened in Milwaukee.

There is more.


So to summarize, BLM makes the accusation that this man is a racist.

They get a mob to come to his house, step foot on his property, threaten him, and when the man inside his own house pulls out a gun, they call the police and have him arrested even though on video it’s clear they were not intimidated.

Congratulations BLM and the Milwaukee Police.

The most racist Southern sheriffs during the height of Klan intimidation during the Civil Rights era would be proud of you.

Then too did racist mobs show up to intimidate people in their homes on their property and racist local law enforcement side with the racist mob against the homeowner.

This is one burning cross short of a color reversed Klan rally.

Milwaukee is making it clear to Trump supporters the same thing that racist police in the segregated south made clear to blacks, when the mob is out for your blood, do not dare try and defend yourself.

You are more than on your own.  The authorities that in the past would have simply abandoned you are now actively working against you.


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By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “Milwaukee makes it clear you will not be allowed to defend yourself from the mob”
  1. So, he’s arrested for displaying a firearm, which will be confiscated, and he’ll probably be put on a list that will keep him from buying another. Leaving him defenseless in the future. He might as well have lit them up, when all is said and done. “After the first one, the rest are free.”

  2. The authorities that in the past would have simply abandoned you are **NOW** actively working against you.

    One letter mistake that changes the meaning 180 degrees. I give almost all of your typos a bye, but this one is significant.

    1. That was my reaction. Way to go, Milwaukee PD, you pack of farking retards. Nice work. You’ve just guaranteed he’ll never speak out again, even when BLM opts to start burning down YOUR precinct houses.

  3. So the lesson is, keep your firearms already loaded and ready to rock, and tucked out of sight from the mob.

    No visible security, no warning shots. They don’t find out you’re armed until they come in, and then they find out the hard way.

    1. I’m sure in these Blue areas the prosecutor will figure out how to charge you.

      “You were at home when BLM activists kicked in your locked front door and came into your bedroom where you were hiding behind the bed, and you shot them? You are a murderer. They had only entered your home to confront your white privilege. Don’t you know locking your door is racist? Also, kicking in a locked door is not violence because it’s only property being damaged and that’s not violence. Lastly, assuming black people entering your home are doing so to harm you is racist and bigoted. You are guilty of a hate crime.”

      1. No doubt they can charge you with something. The proverbial ham sandwich comes to mind.

        But the lesson here is, “visibly getting a gun ready for home defense is brandishing”.

        The answer is to have the gun already ready and tucked out of sight. That you get a tactical advantage (surprise) is a happy side effect, but they made the “preparing == brandishing” rule, not you.

        If it comes down to it you can bring it up in court: “I would have showed the mob I was armed and issued warnings to try to de-escalate the situation and keep them out, but the police were arresting people on State Counsel’s orders for doing just that, so that wasn’t an option.” Show the jury that you were making every reasonable effort to follow the DA’s rules that took warnings and de-escalation off the table, while making him defend them.

  4. Not every home has a sprinkler system but if yours does the ability to turn it on manually safely from inside the house is a good thing to have. No one feels like billy-badass with wet squishy socks or smart phones shorted out.

    The only saving grace I can possibly have for the PD is they were faking ‘removed/detained’ him because its easier and safer for them to do that rather than to wade into the mob and strike them about the head and shoulders. Will have to look what happens to the guy.

    Similar things happened in other riot areas and cops were able to extract mobbed and attacked persons under the guise of arresting them.

    Unfortunately the cops have lost the public’s trust from the amount of people they’ve actually arrested and jailed either because it is the easier of two options or a real departmental bias towards the red team.

    1. Even if the cops are “arresting” the home-owner “to get him out safely”, the home-owner still loses when the mob trashes his house unchecked after he’s gone.

      I know my home and everything in it are “only property”, but it’s property for which I’ve worked my entire life. That’s time I expended that I will never get back, and some of those things are literally irreplaceable even apart from the time spent earning them.

      All in all, while I appreciate the possibility of cops evacu-arresting people for their safety, this only emboldens the mob, and I’d rather stay in my house.

      1. I don’t disagree with you for a second. My inclination is to defend my home at least as hard as I worked to earn it even if it isn’t always the wisest choice.

        I was not endorsing the tactic only wondering if that is a possible reason vs the local cops being totally complicit in political violence.

  5. Yet another example of why liberty loving Americans shouldn’t shed any tears when jack-booted thugs get what they deserve.

    I used to ‘back the blue,’ then I actually started paying attention to what they were doing (by order of the Fuhr-er, governor, your rights have been revoked).

    Don’t bother defending the (slightly) lesser evil. Just sit back and watch the jack-booted thugs and the marxist thugs wear each other down until it’s time for American Revolution II.

  6. Funny, I thought that they determined decades ago that “charivari” or “skimmington rides” were illegal and a violation of the rights of the victim. This is a very old tradition, going back to old Europe, and certainly much further, where if a person in a community is considered a “transgressor” (say an adulterer….or in the old days a cuckold, who allowed his wife to mess around with other men, or a henpecked man who didn’t beat his wife and let her dominate him…or just a person who was religiously or politically unpopular), the community assembles around their house at night, shouting and screaming, beating on pots and pans, calling out threats, and often riding an effigy of the person around town before symbolically beating and burning it. This was an improvement over beating and burning the person themselves, which is what they did previously, but it amounted to extreme harassment and intimidation, and often forced the person to move away or even commit suicide. They banned the practice a long time ago, because they decided it was wrong to allow a mob to intimidate a person who wasn’t breaking any laws (and a form of vigilantism even if they were). But apparently we’ve returned to the practice.
    Interesting, it used to be that legitimate “protesting” could only be against government policy or government officials, and it was considered unacceptable to go to their PRIVATE residence to protest, because it amounts to personal harassment and intimidation, which is illegal. But now were are back at the point where if a community dislikes a person, they can assemble at their house, threatening and harassing the person and making it clear they are unwelcome? So if me and most of my neighbors dislike a person in our community because she is considered to be a practicing Druid or witch, we can go and ‘protest” outside her house all night, playing loud music and taunting her? Funny, I almost get this feeling like they wouldn’t allow that.
    Yet these people can harass and intimidate a private citizen, assemble outside his house, because they don’t like his opinions and his politics, and they get zero consequences for it? This is not America, this is a revolution. Disgusting. You are not allowed to “protest” a private citizen who cannot possibly effect you other than by voting in a way you don’t like. Blatant personal harassment. It would be bad enough if they had just failed to force the mob to disperse, even if they hadn’t arrested the VICTIM instead because they didn’t want to anger the mob any more. Disgusting. Our country is already dead, we need to accept that and figure out where to go from there.

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