Gorge Floyd was killed. The four officers in the call were fired and the one with the knee in his throat is being brought up on criminal charges.  This is Justice, right?  The justice people took on the streets and demanded if I am not mistaken. Yet, all of this happened AFTER the above mentioned actions were taken.


It is never about Justice. I do not know what that wanton acts of violence and destruction mean, but sure as hell was not Peace.

It is however a nice reminder why we need ugly Black Rifles and plenty of the huge capacity assault magazine clips.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Minneapolis: Justice, yet No Peace.”
  1. I’m with MiniMe. One reason is the mayor, who made this all about race. His press conference talks about white cops and black victims, rather than doing the right thing, which is to denounce police misconduct and leave race out of it.

  2. The media and the usual suspects are pushing the narrative that ALL police are racists (including, ironically black officers), and that every negative thing that happens to a black person is due to deliberate racism from the white establishment. In an era of huge unemployment and lock down due to the Wuhan virus, pushing the racism rhetoric is akin to Bugs Bunny throwing a match into the powder magazine, with equally predictable results. You would almost think they wanted this to happen.

    1. Well, we know some people want this sort of thing to happen. Misery pimps like Al Sharpton, a known felon who thrives on manufactured riots, is a good example.
      And apart from that, we know quite well that Democrats want the economy to suffer so they can use that as a cudgel against Trump come November. This sort of thing is an example of a bad situation they will try to twist in their favor while surreptitiously fanning the flames.

  3. The average intelligence of a person drops in proportion to the size of the crowd they are in. There is a reason why I do not got to protests of any kind, even when I am in 100% agreement with the protesters. All it takes is one idiot to escalate the situation, one person to get insulted, one person to throw a punch, and you get a riot.

    It is even more dangerous when it is the Mayor that is doing the escalating.

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