Moms are up and foaming again:

mda gun bathroomMr. Evans left his Kahr CM9 on top of the toilet paper dispenser which is a major bonehead thing to do. Bathroom breaks are one of those Carry problems that somehow we haven’t been able to come up with a good solution, but that is the life we have chosen and the responsibility is ours.

But why the sudden furious clamor coming out of the Moms? A quick Google search for left gun bathroom point out at several incidents this year and the Moms pretty much ignored them. So what happened in the Show-Me State that has brought the wrath of Moms For Cheap Lemonade upon them? Not sure but maybe (just maybe) has to do with Senate Bill 75 coming into effect and which “allows schools to annually teach the NRA Eddie Eagle Gunsafe® Program to help keep children safe by preventing gun-related accidents?”

Because everybody knows Eddie Eagle is just a marketing ploy by firearm manufactures and gives free guns to children so they can enact Columbine Massacres in their schools, right?

OK, really I don’t know why they are up in arms about that incident, but my guess is as good as any and it even makes sense…which may invalidate it altogether since we are not dealing with Vulcans here. More like Klingons with better make-up and hair products.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

20 thoughts on “Moms Demand Action: A gun in the pooper!”
      1. You know… Sometimes I’m really glad for my Scottish/Irish/German mixed ancestry. The only thing that bothers me about Taco Bell is that one of the high-ranking execs participated in turning my state Blue.

        So I go to Del Taco instead.

  1. Why, oh why, do I never find one of these I’d give it a good home, I would! The cop who leaves it behind (heh!) doesn’t deserve to get it back!

  2. klingons had a sense of honor what the hell are you talking about? think those weird antenned blue things or green biches

  3. What do you mean we haven’t come up with a good solution? Here’s what I’d do if I was in a position to get a carry license (I live in urban California): Unbuckle belt, pull down pants, sit on toilet, and buckle the belt again above my knees. That way the gun doesn’t sit on the floor where people can see it, but I don’t have to remove it from the holster.

  4. This actually happens quite often and police are very susceptible to it. There are many instances of just this type of thing happening on the net. I wonder if she would call for a cop to be fired.

  5. Heard about a cop who hung his firearm on the “coat hook” in the stall……it went off several times, spinning around on the hook. Not sure if that’s true, but it probably cured him of any constipation…..

  6. If you must remove the holster from your belt, place your holstered iron on your underwear between your knees as you sit. You can’t forget where it is. If by chance you fail to notice the weight when pulling up the your shorts…cold steel on the meat stick will bring you back to your duty to secure the weapon. I pocket carry, less chance to forget in a stall. Be safe, be alert.

  7. Caster has it exactly right. There are times when at home I put the weapon on the vanity and… oops- where’s my Gat? But when in public places, I invariably set it in my shorts after seating myself. Will never forget it there. Which brings me to the point of the issue: what the hell’s the problem with guys? Absolutley no reason for leaving a gun behind- other than “I ain’t serious about carrying”.

    1. I invariably set it in my shorts after seating myself.

      What if you go commando? 😉

      Absolutley no reason for leaving a gun behind- other than “I ain’t serious about carrying”.

      I cannot disagree with that.

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