Shannon Watts, head honcho of Bloomberg-derivitive gun prohibitionist group Moms Demand Action, managed yesterday to make the single dumbest comment made by a clueless gun control advocate, ever.

Obsessed with banning AR-15s, Watts has shown that she knows nothing about them, and has now redefined “assault weapon” to mean any firearm that can fire 10 shots in a minute, which essentially means any firearm design of the past 150+ years.

via Mom’s Demand Founder Declared EVERY GUN an assault weapon..

When they tell you they just want to ban “certain” weapons, they do so to appease the undecided. But it is gratifying to see them say what they really think even if it is to show their stupidity.

Click on the link and check out OLD guns shooting over 10 rounds a minute…including a single shot shotgun.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Mom’s Demand Founder Declared EVERY GUN an assault weapon.”
  1. ” . . . check out OLD guns shooting over 10 rounds a minute…including a single shot shotgun.”

    Being skilled at nothing they cannot conceive of somebody being skilled at something.

  2. Always remember, anybody that has such a veminus, bombastic, rabid hatred for something, it will cloud your mind. Case in point, anti-gun people, I wish all anti-gun people would develop this extreme hatred for guns. Then they will make these “engage mouth before brain” comments, which just shows none of there beliefs are valid. I love the “put your foot in your mouth” comments, they will implode and destroy there own cause. Like we used to say, let them hang themselves with there own rope!

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