Chicago had a brutal 4th of July weekend (It cannot be called Independence day for obvious reasons): 82 people shot, 14 deaths.  Chicago police Superintendent Garry McCarthy says he does not know what happened to lead to the increase of shootings, but have no fer because the Moms are here! It was all those guns that came from outside Chicago, from places like Indiana & Mississippi that must be blamed! 

Moms Demand Gun Tracing Chicago


Except we already know it is not quite true. There is this article in the very pro-gun New York Times (sarcasm off) which details the tracing of firearms recovered in Chicago:

Moms Demand Gun Tracing Chicago 2

The list only show the top 10 origins for guns recovered in Chicago. As you can see the top location is the State of Illinois itself with 22,051 guns. The next nine added together give us a total of  20,078 guns. We would need another five states withe same numbers as Texas to finally overcome Illinois but since the standing is a decreasing one, the number of states is probably more.  So basically Illinois itself with FOID cards and all kinds of restrictions “provide” the equivalent number of guns that 14 others states “contribute.” Also notice that the Number 2 state, Indiana, “contributes” 1/3 the equivalent number of Illinois.

So in a very roundabout way and probably needing to use all other 49 states plus territories and Puerto Rico, they can make the statement that the majority of guns come from other states. But at the end it is all statistical smoke and mirrors designed to cover the fact that both policing and Gun Control have miserably failed to curb the violence in Chicago.

But they rather see more people get killed than addressing gangs, poverty and a collapsing judicial system.  And as long as people in Cook County keep electing the same politicians, they have nobody else to blame but themselves.

And before I go, let me leave you with the link for the ATF’s 2012 Firearms Trace for the State of Illinois where you will find other juicy morsels of information that the Antis do not share.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Moms Demand push the imaginary Iron Pipeline to blame Chicago’s’ violence.”
  1. Not to be nit-picky, but your math is off. It would take 2.105 (not 5) TX (at 937) with the 9 other states shown to equal Illinois. Good article.

    Also, when they say trafficked in from other states it sounds like the firearms are bought at a store and then smuggled into Illinois, and I’m sure some are, but how many are bought, owned for years, sold & re-sold, passing through many locations, and then stolen. Then the stolen firearm may also be sold & re-sold on the criminal black market before making its way to Chicago.

    Of course Chicago, with it’s restrictions & bans, would not cause the value of a stolen firearm to skyrocket thus making Chicago the best place for a criminal to sell a stolen firearm for maximum profit, would it?!? /sarcasm

  2. Meanwhile, in states that do not have draconian gun laws (where these guns supposedly come from and where they are only a small percentage of the total number of guns in those states at any time), violence rates are much lower than Chicago. Go figure. MOMS can’t seem to do simple math…

  3. Yeah, a time-to-crime average pretty much shows there is NO “Iron Pipeline” when the average TTC runs over 12-24 _months_. . .

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