Here is an example:

How many times have we been told we are some sort of blood thirsty animals because our solution to deadly violence upon us is dishing it back and we describe it? We shock some sensitive souls with our “crassness” which is simply realism of what needs to happen because otherwise it will happen to us.

I can’t criticize helmet guy because his intentions were honorable and good. Anybody willing to stand up to criminals deserves kudos, but we also need to make people understand that there more than likely be violent and painful consequences when they make their move and are not prepared for them. Hollywood has programmed people into thinking bad guys will just cowardly run away at the slightest verbal confrontation. Reality has taught us otherwise.

If we intervene, we must make sure we thoroughly “win” and that is not an easy thing to predict. And then comes the legal aftermath which we will subjected to. It makes you wonder if being a good person is worth it.  This is something I always confessed changes with me every day: Sometimes is “Not my circus, not my monkeys” and the next day will be “But of course I will intervene. It is the human thing to do!”

I guess I will never know till it happens.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Most People do not have a concept of Violence.”
  1. If the victim is unknown to you be good witness or walk away. The aftermath is what most of us fear the most. Why go thru that if you dont have too? Yea, human nature is to generally help others. But is ruining YOUR life worth it for a stranger??

    1. For me, yes yes it is. I will not allow an innocent person be harmed when I could have done something about it. It goes against my moral code. I will not let others define my actions. I will do the right thing regardless of the consequences. Because I know that it might be me in that situation needing help, and I would rather demonstrate that the right thing is to help so if it is me someone will sacrifice to help me instead of worrying only about themselves

  2. Many people have been fed by TV shows the attitude that the good guys always win, that armed citizens have no business interfering in criminal activities, and that everything is resolved in one hour, less commercials. Unfortunately, not only do these people vote, they also serve on juries.

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