We have the Navy Yard, a gun free zone. The Navy Yard is in Washington D.C. which is another gun free zone so that makes it double. We have an active shooter going into this double Gun Free Zone and starts killing people.

The solution was to send people with the guns that should have been there in the first place to avoid the massacre.

10 Photos Illustrating the Dramatic Scene Unfolding in Aftermath of the Navy Yard Shooting

via 10 Photos Illustrating the Dramatic Scene Unfolding in Aftermath of the Navy Yard Shooting | TheBlaze.com.

I guess nobody could toss a pair of scissors at 1,100 pps or a fire extinguisher at 3,000 fps against the shooter. But don’t worry, Homeland Security will spend half billion dollars studying what could be done and post it in a Youtube video.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

16 thoughts on “Navy Yard Shooting: Let me get this straight.”
  1. Are you saying there were no armed security personnel at the base? That would be highly unusual for a military installation but it sounds like you got the inside scoop on the info. That’s truly amazing and almost criminal, don’t you think?

    1. Just because they’re on the base doesn’t mean they’re anywhere near where anything is happening. I work on a base, and I see guards when I go on base, who check my ID, then I don’t see anyone but civilians for the rest of the day.

      Just look at Fort Hood, they had to call in regular cops to stop the shooter.

      1. Lazy beat me to it. Ft Hood had private & local PD security. Apparently and according to our Government, the Boys and Girls in Uniform are too stupid to have guns or even patrol & secure installations.

    2. Every since Pres Clinton our military has been left to fight off armed killers with pencils and waste paper baskets

  2. There’s a handful at the gates. There’s a handful of guards at Building 197 — whom he apparantly shot (and may have taken at least one gun from, according to an unnamed “senior LE” official). (OTOH, I’ve never seen anything more than handguns at BLDG 197 — the longarms are at the gates.)

    Building 197 (where the shooting occurred) is about as far from any of the gates as you can get and stay on base.)

    All he had to do to get on base was have a CAC card with a photo that looked enough like him (or even a really good forgery), and avoid having either his trunk (if driving) or bag (if walking) searched. I’ve never been searched at the Navy Base until I actually entered Building 197.

  3. You stole my “double gun free zone” phrase thing and I’ve got the Tweets to prove it! You’ll be hearing from my internets liars, er, lawyers soon!

  4. “Homeland Security will spend half billion dollars studying what could be done and post it in a Youtube video.”

    A YouTube video that will:
    a) completely and utterly FAIL to accurately identify root causes or contributing factors (i.e. shooter’s mental health, unheeded “warning signs,” etc.),
    b) similarly FAIL to suggest any meaningful and/or effective solutions (“Arm our ‘Armed Forces’? You’re joking, right?”),
    c) place blame squarely on politically-correct scapegoat groups who had nothing to do with the tragedy (i.e. you and me),
    d) be blamed in turn for inciting political and ideological enemies to attack a foreign US installation (no… wait… that was some OTHER YouTube video…),
    e) a, b, and c,
    f) all of the above.

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