One day.  Dad’s get one day or respect and NBC can’t let them have that.

This Father’s Day, men are experiencing a crisis of masculinity. The solution? More feminism.  Men experience violence and oppression because gender norms are not changing. In other words, feminism isn’t killing men — toxic masculinity is.

If dads are such a problem, then why is it that the highest rates of low academic performance and school dropouts, bad behavior, criminality, drug use, depression, and suicide come from kids raised without dads instead of with them?

They never seem to explain that one.

This whole article is standard Radical Feminist bullshit.

This weekend is Father’s Day, a holiday typically celebrated with displays of testosterone and gendered clichés. It’s also as good a time as any to acknowledge that there is indeed a crisis of masculinity. But it isn’t caused by feminism and changing gender norms. Rather, men experience violence and oppression because norms are not changing. And it is, in general, powerful men who enforce these unhelpful and sometimes dangerous masculine expectations, not tyrannous feminist women

Yeah, men just need to get over the fact that Feminism says that men are not needed any more.  Human beings need purpose in their life.   Idle people are unhappy.  Being a provider and protector gave men purpose.  Telling men that wanting to be the breadwinner is sexist and archaic and that “a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle” strips them of a purpose men have had for 10,000 years shouldn’t cause any societal problems at all.

(I’m not saying women can’t or shouldn’t work.  I’m saying that dismissing the role of men in society, devaluing it is a problem.)

As one example, consider male suicide rates. Men are the victims of three-quarters of suicides in the United States. This isn’t because feminists have successfully carried out a campaign to keep men from having sex. Rather, male suicide rates are tragically high because of traditional, stereotypical standards of manliness.

Yeah, if men were just more like women it would be better.  Telling men who lost their jobs, and their identity along with it, to go to therapy and cry will fix everything.

Taking apart this whole article would take too long and I’m not in the mood right now, but one part did stick out to me.  Here is where this goes off the rails.

Encouraging boys not to cry is dangerous; encouraging boys to love guns is even more so. “Guns are historically, stereotypically a masculine sort of thing,” Lisa Gold, a psychiatry professor at Georgetown told Quartz. Connecting manliness with gun ownership exacts a brutal toll. Statistics compiled by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that in 2016, men accounted for a staggering 85 percent of gun deaths in the United States.

Men own guns at three times the rate that women do. As a result it’s not surprising that they are more likely to be hurt or killed in a firearm accident. And it also makes them much more likely to die when they attempt suicide. Women tend to prefer poison to guns when they try to kill themselves. Men use firearms — and firearms are a very effective way to inflict harm.

What the the fuck is this shit?  Law abiding gun ownership causes suicide?  Or maybe guns are sexist?

But of course when you take away the role of protector away from men, you want to take the guns away too.

If all you see about traditional masculinity is bad than without a doubt all you are going to think about guns is bad.

I guess this is why we need more feminism?  To make it clear to men that everything associated with men is bad and toxic and harmful and men should be less like men?

On father’s day I worked on my truck, made something out of wood, tinkered on one of my guns, and then paid the bill and tenderly fed my 6 month old daughter sweet potatoes and gave her a bath.

Why, because I’m a dad, that’s why.  I’m a provider and protector and it gives my life meaning and purpose.

But I guess the first half of that was too violent for NBC and my masculinity must be toxic as hell.  If so, I’ll embrace it.

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By J. Kb

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