For the Winchester 1964 Model 70 project. From the research I have done, the rifle came from the factory with a Lyman 48 WH receiver sight and a Lyman 77 globe front sight.

Thanks to a donation from a reader, I have the Lyman 48 WH rear sight on its way. What I am stuck trying to find at a decent price is an original Lyman 77 R which stands for Regular as there is the “H” version which is taller.

It seems there are, if not a lot of, enough fans of iron sights that these things are being snatched.  I got lucky with the rear sight as I have not seen another one for sale but the front one is proving to be a pain in the butt.

I am not on a rush other than wanting to have it. I am not going out to shoot till the weather cools off and the hurricanes stop taking cruises. My target date is somewhere in November when hopefully the highs will be in the upper 70s.

I blame McThag for this urge to make sure the rifle has original parts. I admit that there is a certain pleasure on bringing it back to the way it was.

If you happen to come across a Lyman 77R, drop a line  to I am aiming for $50 to $65 with the original inserts, preferably in the tin can.

Thanks in advance!

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Need reader’s help: Seeking Lyman No 77 (R) Globe Front Sight.”
  1. Please allow me to extend my sincerest apologies for being the one who identified the model of Win 70 you have and shattering the notion that you’d gotten a deal.

    You make take solace in my attempts to find an appropriate stock for my model 54.

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