A rational person would ask:

“What does the governor of South Dakota making an appearance at the single largest revenue generating event in her state have to do with the Federal Government fucking up foreign policy and military strategy in another country on the other side of the world?”

But the point is to humiliate you by getting you to nod along with such ridiculous untruths, like blaming the governor of the 5th least populous for the national embarrassment of watching Afghanistan fall to the Taliban in three weeks and capture a US taxpayer-funded arsenal in the process.

This is not a smart point.

This is a point that intends to make you dumber and more compliant.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Never forget that the point is to try an humiliate you – Governor Noem edition”
  1. Dehumanize, and demonize.

    It accomplishes two things.
    1. It makes the simple minded want to join in on the ridicule, and
    2. It distracts away from the real issues, and allows the easily fooled down the path you want to follow.

    Despite a few flaws, I like her. She has a love for her State, and for the Country that is sorely lacking in a lot of elected officials.

  2. “Point deer, make horse” games with the truth are a bit like a cocaine habit. It’s fun and productive at first, but it also tends to lead to a surprisingly quick downfall.

    Usually, those who indulge in these sort of games, or the big lie are often the first to fool themselves. Then, they wind up with an exploded reactor, or in a besieged bunker giving orders to nonexistent armies.

    Even some of the precious few remaining non-insane Leftwingers are noting that this is a really, really stupid tactic.

  3. “Reasoned debate”???????? How do you “debate” with people who want to kill you???
    Fuk this guy. Hes just a short dicked idiot who oozez jelousy that he will never get close to a women like that…
    PS- noone will ever humiliate me over stuff like this. As far as trashcanistan goes- you old guys remember something called Arc Light?

  4. Gov. Noem is responsible for the failure in Afghanistan in the same way Gov. DeSantis is responsible for the emergence of viral mutations in India.
    If she didn’t want the responsibility, she shouldn’t have let Trump appoint her Governor-General of Afghanistan. Managing one of the Empire’s overseas colonies is a big responsibility, and leaves no room for taking vacations stateside to party with the hometown folks.
    (Fiddles with the knobs on the reality meter… there is nothing wrong with your television set.)

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