For months I have been tracking how the NYPD and New York City politicians have systematically ignored anti-Semitic attacks in NYC.

When the number of attacks on Jews in NYC became both deadly and too many to ignore, the media rushed to blame Trump’s supposed anti-Semitism, exonerating the Leftist Jew-hater responsible.

Have nothing but seething contempt for the Leftist Jews who promoted that narrative.

In the wake of the Coronavirus, it seems that Jews are not the only minority to be abused by other New Yorkers.

From Cosmo:

“I Don’t Scare Easily, but I Am Afraid”: The Dangers of Being Asian American Right Now

But being Chinese in America during a global pandemic that’s now heavily referred to as the “Chinese virus”? It’s like stepping into an episode of Black Mirror where you’re the bad guy. In the past few weeks, I’ve been flooded with nonstop news alerts of how hate crimes against Asians have become a daily, if not hourly, occurrence.

Even stepping outside for groceries is terrifying as strangers approach me with hostility, asking where I’m from and demanding I leave food for those who aren’t “responsible” for the virus.

This was written by Sara Li, a New York City-based writer and “social media influencer.”  This is happening to her in New York City.

Asian people (some not even of Chinese heritage) around the world have reported harassment, with some cases even escalating to physical violence. Racist analogies of the coronavirus have trended on and off social media—largely due to President Trump’s use of terms like “kung flu.” The suggestion that Chinese people are responsible for the deadliest virus in recent history is not only inaccurate (as debunked by the World Health Organization) but also dangerous.

I had hoped our global leaders would curb such rhetoric. I was wrong; Trump has only doubled down on calling the COVID-19 virus the “Chinese virus,” despite many attempts to educate him otherwise. By ignoring the implications of language, Trump and his administration are not only feeding into rising racism against Asians but also legitimizing it.

The CCP would like to thank this fellow traveler for her service.

The Chinese government has tried to blame both Italy and the United States military for the Coronavirus.  Especially at it seems more and more evident that they were responsible for it.  Not just the failure to warn the rest of the world or lockdown in time, but the lax safety protocols of the lab that is very likely the source of the virus in the first place.

It is important to make sure that the Chinese government is held accountable for the global pandemic, deaths, and global depression they have caused.  This isn’t racism, this is a necessary policy.

These Leftist Asians are conflating race with the CCP.  I have yet to see one say “don’t blame Chinese-Americans but hammer the CCP with all your might.”

But back to the topic at hand.

The ADL has been tracking anti-Asian harassment and hate crimes following the Coronavirus outbreak.

The most by far have been from New York City, then California, the Washington in the area around Seattle.

The Wall Street Journal ran this headline:

New York City Has Logged 248 Complaints of Coronavirus Discrimination
Majority of reports were made in March and April; about 42% have been specifically anti-Asian

When you go into the details of some of these cases, it seems that it is the same demographic that has been let off the hook for attacking Jews in NYC and caused so much damage in Koreatown during the LA riots.

Let’s just say, not exactly a group know for being hard-core MAGA hat Trump fans.

This is just more projection.

Every time the Left says that Trump is responsible for racism and white supremacism, it’s because the majority of hate crimes are being carried out by Democrat voters in New York City.

For anyone who is aware of the racist history of the Democrat party, this should come as no surprise.  But it’s worth noting again, the anti-Asian harassment isn’t coming from MAGA hatters in Red states.

Also, stop defending the CCP.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “New York is a racist sh*thole and it’s not Trump’s fault”
  1. “Let’s just say, not exactly a group know for being hard-core MAGA hat Trump fans.”

    Chicago apparently has a couple of MAGA hat wearing minorities who attacked Jussie Smollett for being both gay and black. Oh wait, not so much.

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