
And just add all the rest of the goodies developed for the military and now in use by civilians.

Here is my contribution:

From Reltney McFee:
(trauma dressings) (trauma systems) (Advance Trauma Life Support) (hemostatic dressings) (traction splinting)

From MiniMe:
1. GPS
2. Freeze drying
3. EpiPen
4. Cargo pants
5. Duct tape
6. Jerrycan
7. Jeep
8. Computers
9. Microwave

From scrappycrow:
Oh, let’s not for get that DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) fomented the Internet. All those anti-gunners need to get off it, then.

From crawford421:
Canned goods and margarine.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on ““Nobody needs Military-Style (fill the blank) Updated.”
  1. “nobody needs military style…” (trauma dressings) (trauma systems) (Advance Trauma Life Support) (hemostatic dressings) (traction splinting {I don’t think that is a thing anymore with EMS})

    The stoopid continues!

  2. Clocks — developed so Europe’s navies could accurately navigate the globe.

    Highways — built to support military operations.

  3. I believe Birds Eye Vegetables got their start in making palatable frozen veggies with a big fat military contract.

    Good call on the Clocks Crawford!

    1. You reminded me of a couple others — margarine and canned vegetables. Both invented to feed Napoleon’s armies.

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