These are the first pics from their rally. These are their pictures, not from an NRA member looking for a less than favorable angle.

I am sure when the celebrities appear with their armed entourage and bussed “gun control activists”, the crowd will grow…some


Click to enlarge


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I know there are fellow NRA members that were going to drop by, pretend they are on their side to just collect swag to be used in future trips to the range.  And the Evil Princess more than likely will be getting us some pictures for further analysis.

I will make a prediction: They will blame the lack of attendance on people being afraid on a supposed threat of violence by NRA members or some related horse shit.

Update: Video from the location by a local TV Journalist.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “NoRA’s Anti-Gun/Anti-NRA rally in Dallas. Not going well.”
  1. It is 518 PM Central Time on Saturday 5 May. I have just arrived at the house after having left the NRA Annual Meeting about 40 minutes ago.

    No protesters visible to me.

    Tens of Thousands of law abiding people filling the Kay Bailey Hutchison Center. Every ethnicity- Black, Hispanic, Filipino, Asian, White. Male, Female. A black woman with an NRA Life Member ribbon on her badge. Parents with kids in strollers; kids pushing parents in wheelchairs. An older apparently Vietnamese American gent wearing a T-shirt supporting the Second Amendment. A few Iraq and Afghanistan vets noticeably limbless in wheelchairs or walking on their own.

    I personally talked to two Dallas Police officers on the convention floor. I asked them if they had any difficulties at all with the conventioneers, any violence, disrespect, foul language any thing like that? And all these people perhaps 70% Armed, some open carrying-problems? Both laughed and confirmed that there were no problems, none, nada. Zilch. One officer commented that he was having fun and people were nice and respectful.
    I talked to a Texas DPS State Trooper shortly after that. He confirmed everything the DPD officers reported.

    The ladies running the smoothie stand said everyone was nice and polite.No yelling or pouting or rudeness that they had seen.

    Everywhere I went, I heard “please”, “thank you”,”excuse me”, even ”after you”. Polite civil conversation between armed law abiding people going about their lawful pursuits.

    Governor Mslloy said the NRA is a bunch of terrorists. How can this be?

    1. Time to vote in a new governor.
      By the way: remember Kay Bailey Hutchinson vetoed CCW in Texas. Lost the next election, and new governor signed CCW in Texas! Oh the irony!

      1. Kaye Bailey Hutchison was a US Senator with generally positive NRA ratings.

        The wicked witch who vetoed Texas first CHL bill was was Governor Anne Richards. She was a Leftist/Progressive/Liberal. Her veto of the CHL bill sank her political career- next election she lost in a landslide to George W. Bush, who promised to sign a CHL bill if it reached his desk. It did. He did. He got License No. 1

        Anne Richards died in obscurity.

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