Organizers of the Rocky Mountain Western States Regional IDPA Championship, initially scheduled to take place July 4-6 in Montrose, Colorado, have announced that the match is being canceled in the wake of Colorado’s recently passed gun control laws.

“With these new Colorado laws going into effect July 1, and based on the ambiguous way in which they were written, we have decided to cancel the Rocky Mountain Western States Regional IDPA Championship,” said event organizer Walt Proulx of Grand Junction.

via Colorado Shooting Competition Canceled in Wake of New Gun Control Laws : The Outdoor Wire.

First the Ruger Rimfire and now the regional IDPA.   At this rate there will be some shooting practice…….

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Not a joke: Rocky Mountain Western States Regional IDPA Championship Canceled thanks to Colorado’s new laws.”
  1. So Colorado wins, IDPA loses, because Walt isn’t bright enough to move the competition to another state? What a way to overcome adversity.

  2. IDPA,Magpul,Ruger and all the Hunters/Shooters Boycotting Colorado…voting against gun control….Love It!!! 🙂

  3. Difference between Democrats and Republicans: Democrats don’t believe in the law of unintended consequences.

    Or, truly, any consequences whatsoever.

  4. Hey Montrose,

    …take a look at how your Colorado representatives and State Senator voted on the gun bills, and if you don’t know, ask them.

    You have a pretty little town there, nice area, lots to see and do.
    …too bad lots of folks (competitive shooters, press, vendors, family of same, as well as hunters) won’t be visiting to spend their money in your motels, restaurants and shops. …Not to mention that the individual law-abiding gun owners living there now have to contend with additional regulations that won’t prevent a single gun-crime, but may make many of them into instant artificial felons.

    Recall election, anyone?

  5. […] The Rocky Mountain Western States Regional for IDPA, which was to be held this July in Montrose, CO …. How could they even have it there? The new law, because of the “readily convertible” language actually bans most magazines that competitors would use. They’d be enticing competitors to commit a serious crime by bringing them into Colorado. Miguel notes that Ruger has pulled their Rimfire Challenge World Championship out of Colorado as well, which would have attracted 300-plus shooters, plus spectators. HiVis Shooting Systems is pulling out of the state as well. Hey, this is the future for Colorado that Obama and Bloomberg demanded, and Colorado Democrats and Hickenlooper were only too happy to go alone. Remember in 2014. […]

    1. I’ll give you 5 to 1 that it was not HQ but the organizing club that cancelled. The regional matches are done by State’s clubs and not by HQ.

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