“Staff who worked for Shannon quit or are fired faster than the organization can replace them. She’s a nightmare,” the source told TheDC. Another source close to the organization said in a written statement, “Two beliefs unite nearly all gun control supporters: background checks save lives, and Shannon Watts is a self-promoting tyrant.”

Source: Major Gun Control Group Is Riven By Leadership Dispute | The Daily Caller

I am afraid that I am enjoying the whole article just because confirmation bias. Go read it.

I have noticed some changes within the organization but the access to internal information on a vacuous astroturf  group is not easy. I know that the Moms chapter in Florida is now being run by Michelle Gajda out of Tampa and some other laces have seen changes in leadership, but I did not know that there was that level of disgust within the organization.

I highlighted the “self-promoting tyrant” part because it fits with I have been thinking regarding Shannon becoming Hillary 2.0 and seeking higher office.  Effective lobbyists stay away from the running of political office. You may get one foot in, but rarely go farther up the chain, specially if you gained entrance via Gun Control as parties demand you properly get your ticked punched and asses kissed in order to raise up the ladder.

I don’t see Shannon waiting to do all the right steps within the Democratic party. She will want to bulldozer her way in and it may take her only so far before somebody torches the bulldozer from inside.  This spells good for us and Moms is her creation and will probably collapse (even more) without her attention.  Everytown is associated deeply with Michael Bloomberg whose name is pretty much poison past the Holland Tunnel and Mayors Against Illegal Guns has become a joke.

Again, take the report with a huge grain of salt, but enjoy it nevertheless.


Hat tip John R.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Not even Moms like Shannon Watts?”
  1. “This fake news is the result of how we are effectively providing a counter to the extremist leadership of the NRA. Our movement is strong and growing with more than three million volunteers beating back the gun lobby’s agenda in all 50 states,”

    This was my absolute favorite line from that article. Baghdad Bob stuff right there. I could list the reasons why this is hilarious, but you already know.

    1. Only in your dreams are you that strong!!!
      Next thing you know, you will claim hitlarry won the election!! After all, all those polls couldn’t be fake, or could they!!!! LOL

  2. When I look at that smirk all I can think about are the sobriety women of old. I suspect that she really does think that she can disarm Americans.

    I also note she has a pencil neck that should not be able to support her head and hair, but that is a cheap shot. I’ll stick with the fact that she is an unAmerican despot and ignorant nanny-nag-shrew.

    1. People like Shannon don’t really believe in anything but what buys them power and influence.

  3. Con men don’t always find a group of gullible victims to ride, but groups of gullible people always find a con man to lead them. It’s like magnetism.

  4. Reminds me of old whats-her-face back during W’s admin. You know, the gal who’s son was killed in Iraq, and was used by anti-war Hollywood types as some sort of “Moral Authority” to make their cause righteous.
    Right until this useful idiot actually thought it was all about her, and tried to start a political career- at which point her “friends” dumped her like a hot turd.

    Same thing for Shannon. She may be able to wrangle herself a “safe” congressional seat in a deep blue district, but that’s as far as she’s going to go.

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