By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “NYPD confiscates a strange 9mm pistol”
  1. they said the 9mm is ‘just as good’ so the gangbanger used them instead of .45. ACP. figures the cops wouldn’t even know the diff….

  2. I’m reminded for some reason of a weird Japanese show where two police women had shotguns and when they fired showed the entire shell… I want to say it was one of the Ultraman series.

    I suspect this is how these people think as well. At least the CGI people in Japan had an excuse.

    1. Yeah, gun ownership is rare as hell in Japan. It’s actually been lampshaded in some Japanese anime (Gate, and High School of the Dead).

    2. You mean it showed the entire shell flying out the muzzle? Yes, I saw some movie once that had a CG shot of the gun firing in slow motion, and you could clearly see the entire bullet, casing and all coming out the muzzle of the gun. Major facepalm.
      I think part of the problem with this post is that in NY and other big cities, “9mm” has become a generic term for an auto pistol. I’ve seen several videos of police responses now where the original 911 caller reported a guy with a gun, and they said “he has a 9mm and he’s pointing it at people”. Now it’s possible that these people just happened to be real sharp-eyed gun people who could spot a handgun and ID it as a 9mm only, or even discern a 9mm model from a .40 model, but it sounded much more like they all assumed “9mm” was what you call a semi-auto handgun. The police are just like the other people in the city they come from, and there are plenty of them who probably don’t know anything more about guns than how to fire their service pistols. And of course these social media posts were probably made up by some desk officer, hired as a “social media liason” or “public relations officer”, and those sorts are even less likely than the beat cops and street patrols to have any clue about guns and things like that. They wear uniforms, but are effectively officer workers in training and temperament. I doubt the street cops waste their time creating informational posts for the public relations office.
      Which is not to say these types don’t perform a valuable service. They are like truck drivers and cooks and clerks in the military. They could get along without some of them, but they do make the machine work better, and they let the front line troops focus on what they do best, instead of making them reassign combat veterans to the kitchen or intel office.

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