As reported in Mother Jones:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Just Gave a Passionate Speech About Why Housing is a Human Right
“Our access and our guarantee to having a home comes before someone else’s privilege to earn a profit.”

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) spoke with New Yorkers about her efforts in Congress to increase access to affordable housing at a town hall in the Bronx Thursday evening. Housing, she says, should be legislated as a human right. “What does that mean? It means that our access and our guarantee to having a home comes before someone else’s privilege to earn a profit,” said Ocasio-Cortez.

You know where else access to housing was guaranteed over the ability to make a profit?

The Soviet Union.

The problem was, building guaranteed housing was expensive so corners were cut.

Building were just concrete slab construction with exposed plumbing (that often didn’t work), exposed gas lines, and frequently exposed wiring.

They were cold in the winter, hot in the summer, cramped and miserable.

But they were guaranteed

Life inside a Kiev Khrushchyovka: Soviet architecture in Ukraine
An insight into one family’s everyday life in a Soviet-era housing block in Kiev.

Square and simple. Red bricks. Five flights of stairs. No elevator. Branches and dry leaves climb along the facades, between balconies. The structures are drab, dreary, bleak, dilapidated. They all look the same.

The bulk of the Ukrainian capital’s housing stock dates from the times of Soviet leaders Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev, and Leonid Brezhnev. These housing blocks – containing dozens of apartments with four to six square-metre kitchens, thin brick walls, midget hallways and one to three rooms – are known as Khrushchyovkas and represent a big percentage of total housing in Kiev today: 3,055 buildings that include some 211,512 apartments.

These apartments were known as Khrushchyovka, meaning Khrushchev’s slums.

Words do not do justice to how bad these places are.

Here are some videos from inside these Khrushchyovka:

So no room, no privacy, no quality of life, tiny cramped miserable places for people to live.

As a member of the Democrat Politburo, she will have her luxury apartment in New York and Washington and have her Dacha out in the Hamptons.

You and I, however, will have to accept our fate to live in a 500 sq-ft concrete block Ocasiyovka, because housing is our right.  It will be terrible, but at least nobody will make a profit.


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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “Ocasiyovka”
  1. In the shoeter term I see this as the start of universal rent control in big cities (aka government set rates for all space), followed by confiscation of spaces that are “not being utilized efficiently” for remodeling and redistribution.

  2. “No one makes a profit…” except for the apparatchiks running the construction bureaus.

    1. Might that not work out like the NYPD officers who were accused (creditably enough to achieve suspension) of providing CPLs to folks who provided adequate amounts of compensation? ya know: pay enough baksheesh, get a TWO bedroom apartment for your 8 member family?

    1. I once saw a sensor/identity package for railroad cars that included a coil and spring-loaded magnet that recharged the package as the car moved…

  3. Saw a blurb on facebook that dems want her to STFU because she is guaranteeing Trumpys re election. Gotta luv THAT

  4. After the Vietnam war, Foreign Minister Nguyen Co Thach said rent controls destroyed Hanoi more effectively than American bombing,

    “The Americans couldn’t destroy Hanoi, but we have destroyed our city by very low rents. We realized it was stupid and that we must change policy,”

    When the communists recognize this and American liberals won’t, it tells you how of touch the liberals are.


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