Gonna do this whenever I feel too lazy to write.

The cure for the common Road Rage

The driver said he then lowered his car window to talk to Hernandez. “I told the guy, I was like, ‘What’s going on?'” Following a heated exchange, the victim said Hernandez pulled out what he believed to be a gun. “Being a gun holder, I pulled mine out and I said, ‘You don’t want to do this right now.’ Words were exchanged more, he sped forward, and that’s when he tried basically running me off the road.

via WSVN-TV – Road rage suspect in UM lockdown denies carrying gun.

And even that, the idiot behaved like an idiot. Kudos to the “victim” for remaining calm and collected.


Gun Tourism in Hawaii… doing it wrong.

I’d come to Hawaii for the beach, the food, the weather. Apparently, some people come for the firearms.

They’re gun tourists, let’s say.
Finger & Trigger: not a cool combination.

via Gun Tourism Is All The Rage In Hawaii – Forbes.

If you check their Facebook page, you’ll see some safety violations and even some “Sabrinas.” Just because they are tourists that do not have a tradition in firearms, does not excuse anybody to act the fool or the company to allow it.

Pastor shot, killed during church ceremony

A pastor was shot and killed during a church service on Friday night in Calcasieu.

According to Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Kim Myers, it happened around 8:20 p.m. at the Tabernacle of Praise Worship Center at 307 Deshotel Lane in Lake Charles.

via CPSO: Pastor shot, killed during church ceremony – KPLC 7 News, Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Nobody needs guns in church….until you need one. I am amazed sometimes at how some people firmly believe that churches were never armed and should never have anybody armed. Last fellow Catholic that came with that argument had the pause button activated when I asked her to explain the Swiss Guards at the Vatican. Clayton Cramer had a nice article about bringing guns to church being mandatory as far back as in per-independence days.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “Odds and Ends for Week 41”
  1. Gun tourism is BIG in Hawaii: Last time I was there, ads for the Honolulu gun club were running on the hotel’s in-house TV channel in English, Chinese and Japanese.
    Lots of people from countries to the east of there have little to no history with firearms, so getting a chance to shoot a gun is as exotic an adventure as white-water rafting or skydiving.

  2. I’m the pastor at our church and I carry every day. Sundays are no exception. I have a clear line of sight of all entrances from the pulpit.

      1. I love the line the preacher said in the movie “The Patriot” (ignore the rest of the movie, though) as he grabbed his rifle and joined the militia: “A pastor shepherds his flock. Sometimes that means fighting off the dam wolves!”

      2. Well stated – exactly what went through my mind as I read AKP’s post.

        Thank you, Pastor! You serve Him and them well

    1. Sabrina, from Charlie’s Angels. In this context, it means holding your pistol by your head in both hands with the muzzle facing up. It’s used on tv shows so we the audience can tell our hero/heroine has a gun and is ready to use it.

      Kind of a misnomer, though, because Sabrina was always the smart one… 😀

  3. When I was in Guam, I found it amusing that every strip mall around Tumon Bay had a shooting gallery. For a steep price, you could fire the hand cannon of your choice a few times. I sort of had to guess about the price because all of the signage in the lobby was in Japanese and the clerk didn’t speak English.

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