By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Operator Operating Disarming Techniques.”
  1. You know, just for fun, I’ve love to see someone do one of these videos with a loaded airsoft or a paintball gun. Hell, even a nerf gun. And actually have a complete novice behind the trigger, not some willing-lackey who is simply letting his boss film fantasy ninja shit. I’m wiling to bet that the novice gets the shot off, hitting either the intended victim or the attacking mall ninja in commando blue about 50% of the time. If your odds of getting the victim or yourself shot are about 50%, there’s probably a better way. Hell, even if it’s 10%, there’s probably a better way.

    Of course, none of these guys are ever going to film that!

    1. I just saw a video like that the other day. If I recall correctly there was only one “move” that didn’t lead to the operator being shot. All other tacticool techniques resulted in a hit before the bad guy was disarmed.

      Honestly, before attemping most of these techniques you would have a higher sucess rate by pulling your own pistol and shooting the bad guy 😀
      Then at least you don’t die unarmed and in a weird pose 😀

  2. If I’m ever held up at gunpoint, I hope there’s a deux ex machina in blue jammies to come down from the sky and save me.

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