When you think he cannot go stupider.

Yet, it is not surprising. We have known for a while the Gun Control has turned notoriously Anti-Cop, probably to bring more black activists to the fold so they stop looking like their usual Klan meeting.

But to take the case of Mike Brown can blow in his face rather badly. Activist will continue to assert that Brown was mowed down while surrendering to the officer in the middle of the street, no matter what the evidence presented at the grand jury said. But those who initially sided with the outrage and then found out they were lied in shameless manner by the media, are not going to take well that the Little Goebbels is picking up the flag of a Bullshit Case and wave it at their faces.

It is good to finally have a “reliable” source that considers pretty much any firearm discharge as “Gun Violence.”  They keep moving the goalposts and eventually they are going to expand the stadium to find a place to put them.

Range Practice = Gun Violence.

Coming soon to a #Gunsense rally near you.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “The Hogg goes “Hands Up – Don’t Shoot.””
      1. I went shooting last week. So did lots of other gun owners. The range was busy. It always is, actually. So are the two other ranges nearest me. (My paper target was the only “victim” of my shooting.) If each individual pull of the trigger counts as a shooting, there were definitely “millions” of shootings.

        How many homicides, suicides and other killings, I cannot say without doing some research. But there were millions of shootings last week.

        Shooting =/= killing, no matter how much they want it so be so.

      2. It was a riff on the ever-expanding definition of a “shooting”. If they end up counting every round fired, well, there sre millions of shootings every week…

  1. He broke the law or he’s lying. It takes more than 4 hours to get form Chicago to St. Louis. I’ve made that drive.

  2. With any luck, he’ll start demanding that all police be disarmed. That would be a hoot. Not actually disarming, just Hogg going overt ANTIFA/BLM/Progtard.

  3. We need to stop car violence, train violence, airplane violence, bus violence, knife violence, food violence. Everything else blames the person not the object

  4. I see Fuhrer Hogg the new little Corporal needs some ego time. Maybe if we said seig heil to him he will be happy & go away like to Cali. forever. Then he can live in his fantasy world & get himself involved with the rest of the Left Coast Socialist/

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