Antifa visits Missouri Senator’s house

Here is the video:

Senator Hawley was no appreciative of this being done at his house when only his wife and child were home.

Antifa responded by saying “Our name means anti-fascist, if you don’t like us, you must be a fascist.”

In the past, Democrats used to hold candlelight vigils outside the homes of people that stood up against them, in which they lit a giant candle in the shape of a lowercase t on fire.

Intimidation with a bullhorn is intimidation with a bullhorn, no matter what you call yourself.

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When you are not a meek member of the Liberal Plantation.

(CNN)The leader of the Proud Boys, Henry “Enrique” Tarrio, was arrested Monday in Washington, DC, for allegedly burning a Black Lives Matter banner taken from a Black church last month during protests in the city after a “Stop the Steal” rally.
A law enforcement official told CNN that the DC Metropolitan Police Department charged Tarrio, of Miami, with destruction of property related to a banner that was burned on December 12 outside a church in northwest DC.

DC Metropolitan Police Department Public Information Officer Sean Hickman separately told CNN that Tarrio was charged with being in possession of firearm magazines.

Proud Boys leader arrested for allegedly burning Black Lives Matter banner at DC church

If you are not a certified member of the Liberal establishment or at least a recognized loyal peasant of the group, you will not be afforded the protections others get. How many cases of arson set by Antifa/BLM we have seen this last year and how many have they been brought to justice? One? Two maybe?

And as for the magazine charge, do you guys remember the case of NBC’s   David Gregory waving a 30 round AR Magazine during an interview in Washington DC?

The funny part is that he was advised NOT to have the magazine by the DC Police, yet he ignored the law and with accusatory attitude,  waved it during an interview with Wayne LaPierre, live on TV for the country to see. did he get in trouble? Arrested? Nope.

The attorney general for the District of Columbia, Irvin Nathan, announced Friday that he will not press charges against NBC News’ David Gregory nor any employee of the broadcast network for violating the city’s gun laws. Violation of the city’s firearms laws carry a maximum $1,000 fine and one year in jail.

Mr. Nathan wrote to an attorney representing Mr. Gregory and NBC News, Lee Levine of Levine Sullivan Koch & Schulz, LLP, that, “OAG has made this determination, despite the clarity of the violation of this important law, because under all of the circumstances here a prosecution would not promote public safety in the District of Columbia nor serve the best interests of the people of the District to whom this office owes its trust.”

MILLER: David Gregory gets off scot free

If you are a Hispanic that toes the Democratic Party line and waves his/her left fist denouncing non-Liberal white supremacy and applauding to the words of your leaders at the proper cues, you are an honorable Person of Color. But if you happen to dissent, you are just another lousy Spic that must be shut up and only allowed to mow lawns before being quietly deported.



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And as usual. go read the rest of the post.

It is a great big audit jamboree of everybody checking everybody else’s work, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, because it is always safe to assume in any given endeavor human beings make mistakes and sometimes they are dishonest.

Except for elections. Elections are special.

Apparently elections are a sainted process, and people would never lie and cheat there, and the people over the controls would never obfuscate and cover their asses if their controls were insufficient. That only happens in literally every other industry on Earth… but not in elections. They are different.


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More riots are on the way

From Kenosha, Wisconsin:

The decision whether or not to charge the officer who shot Jacob Blake is coming soon, rumored to be Tuesday.

Methinks from the preparation that the expectation is that the officer will not be charged.

It seems that the Governor might have been tipped off to this fact and is bracing for massive riots.

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Miami Herald still throwing hissy fits about people ignoring Covid restrictions.

I was giving a little thought about what is gonna happen to the economy in the coming months. Places like Florida, Texas and other that opted for a less medieval-plague approach are by far in better shape economy-wise or at least that is my opinion. On Saturday I was expecting a Navy Seal museum pretty much for the missus and myself, but there was plenty of people enjoying the exhibits and even taking on the obstacle course. On our way back to Miami, the GPS took us through neighborhoods in Ft Pierce where I counted at least 4 BBQ restaurants fully producing smoke and people enjoying the ribs and such. The chain steak house where we had lunch was almost full (but there was some social distancing applied, call it 3/4 full) and the other eateries  presented occupied parking lots, indication that they were also doing business. We did not see emptiness you see up North anywhere.

And then, there was so much traffic in both I-95 and the Florida Turnpike, you could not tell we were in a pandemic. The only thing that gave you pause was the inordinate amount of vehicles with license plates from New York, New Jersey and other Northern locations which I suspect were running away from their particular Covid Camps.

From my very amateur perspective and from what I have seen, I believe Free States will do much better in 2021 than those who followed the “Scientists” who believed turning cities into health concentration camps was the solution.

Then again, we do not know what kind of shit the Federal Government will pull to punish success. You know damn well how much they hate that.

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A follow to Miguel’s post about the Fuhrer dictating Healthcare

This is a follow-up to Miguel’s post When the Fuhrer dictates Healthcare.

Miguel was spot on.  The whole purpose for Cuomo’s restrictions is death to the Jews.

I covered this before but The New York Times covered the story again.

Did These New York Clinics Ignore Rules on Who Gets Vaccinated First?
The state is investigating whether a network of urgent care clinics provided vaccinations to members of the public who were not yet entitled to have the shots.

The clinics are run by ParCare Community Health Network, which has locations in Brooklyn, Manhattan and Kiryas Joel, a village northwest of the city. The investigation was first reported by The New York Post on Saturday.

Many of ParCare’s patients are Orthodox Jews, a population that has been hard-hit by the virus, and the clinics have worked with the city to provide free coronavirus testing in largely Orthodox neighborhoods.

So it’s evident that Cuomo is going to let thousands of vaccines expire and become useless, and threaten to fine people millions of dollars, all to prevent the Jews from being vaccinated.

The Orthodox Joooooooooos took the initiative to vaccinate their very hard hit community and now the rest of New York must suffer to prevent another unauthorized Jew from getting a vaccine.

Miguel was right Cuomo is the Furher.

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