Georgia delenda est

And with that the US Senate. As of posting, only one race has been decided and Warnock, the winner is somebody whom I predict a lot of crap in his background will be suddenly be found besides the ones already out, even after the media did its best not to vet…again. The other race? They are tied which means Purdue will lose when another suitcase of votes for Ossoff is suddenly found.

Funny thing? last night before 9 pm, both Republicans were ahead. Seeing the hour, I said to myself it was about time for the numbers to flip…and they did!

Let’s get ready, it is going to get stupid in industrial size.

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2021 Florida Legislature: Gun Bills for 1/6/2021

HB denotes House Bill and SB for Senate Bill.

HB 25 Sales of Ammunition Daley Bad
HB 123 Pub. Rec./Sales of Ammunition Daley Bad
HB 167 Carrying of Firearms Without Licenses Sabatini Good
HB 27 Sale, Transfer, or Storage of Firearms Hunschofsky Bad
HB 6001 Safe Storage of Loaded Firearms Farmer Bad
HB 6005 Sale and Delivery of Firearms Farmer Bad
SB 294 Assault Weapons and Large-capacity Magazines Farmer Bad
SB 330 Three-dimensional Printed Firearms Stewart Bad
SB 370 Licenses to Carry Concealed Weapons or Firearms Sabatini Good
SB 372 Restrictions on Firearms and Ammunition During Emergencies Sabatini Good

And here we go again.  As usual more Bad Bills than Good Ones. I’ll start doing an analysis of each bill and posting them as I go. The email addresses for the sub committees and committees will be posted once all the bills are up.

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The trouble with Republicans

I’ve been following the news the last few days surrounding the certification of the electoral college vote and Georgia Senate election, and I’ve heard from a number of sources a lot of complaining about Republicans.

Why so many elected Republicans are rolling over in the face of such Banana Republic level election fuckery.

Why Republican voters don’t stand up the way Democrat voters do and march in the streets.

The latter point is something Miguel talks about when it comes to the fight for gun rights.

I’ve thought about this and come to my own conclusions.

First: Why Republicans don’t take to the streets the way Democrats do.

Leftists LOVE politics.  It is their secular religion.  The personal is political was a slogan born on the Left.

When Leftists fantasize about themselves in politics, every single one imagines themselves up on a balcony, giving a speech to an adoring throng, coming up with final solutions that they enact by edict. If they are not the person on the balcony, they are that person’s right hand.  They never picture themselves as one of the proles but as one of the important members of the party.

They love the thrill of going out into the streets to protest, intimidate, and force others to do their bidding.  They love the dirt-fight of politics.  It is them throwing their weight around, getting to be the boot stamping in the human face, the thrill of kicking an enemy who is down.

Republicans are just the opposite.  We might discuss political philosophy or listen to talk radio, but we hate the dirt-fight of politics.  When we fantasize, we’re standing beside a cabin in the woods, or a farmhouse, or the homestead, or a houseboat, or anywhere way the fuck away from any authority, either on the giving or the receiving end.

Disliking government means that we don’t like to participate in government.

That is why when we are pushed to the point of having to protest, it’s one day, and when 5:00 rolls around, we go home.

When our fantasies turn to politics, they are always about putting the crosshairs on the boot stamping on a human face.  Then packing up and  going home, not taking his spot.

The Left will always beat us on making a show of force in the streets because they are living out their fantasy.  We’d rather be going to the dentist or having an ingorwn tonail removed.

This brings me to my my second point: Republicans are rolling over in the face of Banana Republic level election fuckery.

Principled Republican politicians are as rare as hen’s teeth.  Being a principled Republican politician is almost an oxymoron for the exact reason I stated above.  A Republican who dislikes goverment isn’t going to want to make a career out of governemnt.  It takes a very strong character to hold fast to those principles and hold your nose and kick around in that sewer every day.

Lincoln wasn’t a career poitican.  Neither was Reagan, he started out as an actor and got into politics by being president of the SAG.

The career Republicans might have started out as principled Republicans, but they stay there for the grift.  This is why they won’t fight for Trump against the election fuckery.  The swamp protects the swamp and they are not going to turn against the swamp to fight for a swamp drainer.

Fidning someone who dislikes big goverenmnt, wants to drain tht swamp, is willing to forgo becoming rich though swam grift, and likes the dirt-fight is rare indeed.  His name was Donald Trump and the swamp put aside their infighting to unite to take him out.

That why being a principled Republican always feels like such a losing proposition.  Because it is.

Engaging in politics to convince the swamp to drain itself and give up power is the defintion of sisyphean.  We hate every minute of it and it’s mostly futile anyway.

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Report on the Officer Involved Shooting of Jacob Blake

Report found and you can arrive at your own conclusions.
Report on the Officer Involved Shooting of Jacob Blake

I am still trying to digest the idea that it seems Antifa/BLM cannot but elevate to hero status scum of the earth. But then again they learned from the media that a vetting process and exposure of findings is not the best way to do things.

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