The latest Liberal Buzzword: Deprogramming.

And here is the nice fellow:


Old farts will remember the use and abuse of the word back when cults were the #1 enemy of the US. And grant you, we had some really shitty ones like the Jim Jones’ Socialists People’s Temple with the mass suicides and murders in Guyana, but for the most part, lots of groups tagged with the cult brand were just regular folks who differed in their way of praying from what was accepted by the DotGov and other members of society. There were stories about people in these cults, usually from well-to-do families, that were forcefully rescued (kidnapped) by hired hands and taken to Deprogrammers who through different techniques (Room 101 anyone?) would “delete” the teachings of the Cult and make them members of normal society again.

The first thing you have to understand abut deprogramming is that the intended target will be confined against his/her wishes. Individual rights need to be expunged to “heal you” but don’t worry: You are sick and they know better. Freedom is a luxury.

Deprogramming does not work without heavy coercion. Your freedom of movement is eliminated, your right top speak freely is prohibited. You will be subjected to interrogation and confrontations because you may worship differently. You have no rights so do not claim them. You are there to be broken down and “rebuilt.”

Now, all I just mentioned was done by private individuals paid by worried families who thought their loved one was going to start chugging Kool Aid with cyanide. Some less-than scrupulous people preyed on those fears and committed all kinds of crimes, federal and state, in order to cash big time under the banner of “saving people from cults.” I seem to vaguely recall a case of two where people were prosecuted for doing the deprogramming thing, but I do not remember specifics.

So that is what you can expect from deprogramming as the asshole above suggests. And there is always the old example of ultimate deprogramming when the Democrats are in the White House.

Sure as hell those Branch Davidians got cured! Right?


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“You Brown People are supposed to be on welfare and thanking us!”

Ruy Teixeira, a senior fellow at the liberal Center for American Progress, had a similar analysis, emphasizing in particular fears in the Latino community over new COVID-19-related restrictions and their economic ramifications.

“It does seem like Hispanic working-class people were much more sensitive to the economy, in a way that didn’t help the Democrats. They were very worried about their jobs, their families, their incomes, their ability to work,” Teixeira said.

The Memo: Democrats see warning signs beyond 2020

So Hispanics, contrary to what the Liberals think we are, actually work hard for a living, enjoy an income that allows us to pit food on the table and buy consumer products for our families to enjoy life.  And, of course, we do not like the idea of a socialist fuck telling us to stop working, stay home, and depend on the government’s magnanimity while genuflecting with words and votes of thank you to our benign overlords.

And we are the racist pricks, right?


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Rules are for the little people


In case you missed it, California’s Governor Gavin Newson attended a  dinner party for 12 people (including lobbyists) at a 3 star Michelin restaurant in Napa Valley.

But he apologized for his mistake.

No sir, a mistake is  being in the food court of a mall, not paying attention and ending up in Sbarros instead of Baskin-Robbins next door. What you did was take a taxpayer’s sponsored trip (with all the logistics and people that require) from your official residence to a super fancy restaurant in Napa Valley to  rub elbows, unmasked and at wine-breath distance with lobbyists  in contravention of all the rules you imposed on Californians.

You gotta love the hypocrites.




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And Facebook got Kafkian.

These are “correction notices” that we got in a Facebook group I help moderate.  Apparently 4 members violated the Community Standards and actin must be taken.

Except in three of them, we don’t know what prompted the violation. Apparently is super secret or it is so old that they do not keep records anymore. They know a “crime” happened, they just can’t prove it.

And I love the subtle hint right of the bat:  “We want you to keep your group safe.”
Translation: “This is a nice group you have here. It would be a shame if something happened to it.”


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Two tier “just-us” in Virginia

Virginia police chief fired as felony charges are dropped in Confederate vandalism case
Portsmouth Police Chief Angela Greene was fired as felony charges were dismissed against Sen. Louise Lucas, Virginia’s most senior Black legislator, and 18 others.

The police chief of Portsmouth, Virginia, was fired Monday in what she suggested was a politically motivated move moments before criminal charges were dropped against a prominent state senator and several local Black leaders accused of conspiring to damage a Confederate statue during a protest this year.

The latest twist in the case involving state Sen. Louise Lucas, a high-ranking Democrat who is Virginia’s most senior Black legislator, drew praise from members of her own party who condemned the charges.

Portsmouth police in August charged Lucas and 18 other plaintiffs, including a school board member and members of the local NAACP chapter and the public defender’s office, with conspiracy to commit a felony and injury to a monument in excess of $1,000.

This legislator did not propose legislation to remove the monuments.  Instead she got together with a mob and conspired to tear them down.

She was arrested, the charges were dropped, the police chief was fired.

Now they want us to believe that the legislator was innocent and the police chief was a partisan operator pit to get the legislator for being a black woman.

Despite a summer of monument destruction across America.

Clearly there is no justice in America. It is all “just-us” that serves the (Democrat) party in power.

We are heading to Banana Republic status at breakneck speed.


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