Ruy Teixeira, a senior fellow at the liberal Center for American Progress, had a similar analysis, emphasizing in particular fears in the Latino community over new COVID-19-related restrictions and their economic ramifications.

“It does seem like Hispanic working-class people were much more sensitive to the economy, in a way that didn’t help the Democrats. They were very worried about their jobs, their families, their incomes, their ability to work,” Teixeira said.

The Memo: Democrats see warning signs beyond 2020

So Hispanics, contrary to what the Liberals think we are, actually work hard for a living, enjoy an income that allows us to pit food on the table and buy consumer products for our families to enjoy life.  And, of course, we do not like the idea of a socialist fuck telling us to stop working, stay home, and depend on the government’s magnanimity while genuflecting with words and votes of thank you to our benign overlords.

And we are the racist pricks, right?


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on ““You Brown People are supposed to be on welfare and thanking us!””
  1. When a political party is infected with this level of smug self-assurance, they can do nothing other than assume they are right, and everyone who disagrees with them is wrong.

    Perhaps the Hispanics did not hear. The Democrats are the party that supports immigrants. They support open borders. They support providing welfare, SNAP, EBT, etc… payments to the dregs of society that are not capable of getting jobs in Central American banana republics. They think the MS-13 gang members have the spark of divinity in them, and should be allowed freedom to roam.

    I am surprised more Hispanics did not vote Democrat this year with all they are offering.

    1. Remember: every post-election analysis the Democrats do decides their failure was not getting their message out effectively. Oh, and the voters went against their own interests.

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