A reasonable statement from Andrew Yang explains why our country will never heal

I was not a Yang supporter.

I do give credit where credit is due and his due credit was that he was not a Leftist drone, who thought the best way to win was to out Progressive the next Progressive in a hard-Left bend.

To that end, he made a very reasonable Tweet the other day.

Introspection.  That is the point.  The Blue Wave never happened.  It wasn’t a landslide for Biden, and the Republicans made gains in the House.

A reasonable Democrat would want to figure this out to start to heal the country.  Apparently, Yang is a somewhat reasonable Democrat.

The replies show exactly why reasonable Democrats are a dying breed and this nation will never heal.


That’s enough, but they continue like that.

See, we are just a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic, uneducated, bigots, who have been brainwashed by Fox News and are too stupid to understand that we are voting against our own interests.

We’re not people worth talking to or being asked about our opinions.

We should have our Progressive Democrat betters tell us what is best for us and force us to live like that.

When this is what the other side believes, there is no way to heal this nation, because why would they want to share a country with people who are clearly below them?

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Tell me again how the lockdowns are for our health

From CNN:

Teens who spend more time in extracurricular activities and less time in front of screens have better mental health, study finds

Adolescents — especially girls — who spend more time in extracurricular activities and less than two hours of screen time after school have better mental health, according to a study from the University of British Columbia and published in the journal Preventive Medicine.

Both factors were associated with higher levels of life satisfaction and optimism and lower levels of anxiety and depression, the study said. Longer screen time was particularly harmful for girls, as researchers saw a “significantly more pronounced” association between more screen time and worse mental health, the study said.

No.  Fucking.  Shit.

So what have we done?

We shut down the schools, canceled all the extracurricular activities, and forced people to stay and home and connect via Zoom, Facebook Live, and all other sorts of soul-killing social media.

No wonder we are facing a teen suicide pandemic.

I guarantee that when the smoke clears on this, more people under the age of 21 will have died from suicide due to lockdown anxiety and a lack of human contact than died of COVID.



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Improve your grilled cheese game

My kids love grilled cheese sandwiches.  American Singles between two pieces of white sandwich bread.  They are kids.

I love a grilled cheese sandwich too.  However mine is a little bit more adult.

Two slices extra sharp cheddar cheese, one slice extra sharp white cheddar cheese (Crackel Barrel brand is the best of the national brands), the sharper the better, done between two slices of sourdough bread.

Butter the outside of each slice of bread, assemble butter out, cheese in, and done on a skillet until melted and golden brown.

This is an acerbic grilled cheese.  A tangy cheese sandwich.

If you need a soup to go with it, I strongly recommend a half-and-half mix of tomato bisque and lobster bisque.

It all comes together perfectly.


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Southwest Florida Blogshoot next Saturday!

When: Saturday, November 14 at 12:30 PM

Where: Manatee Gun and Archery Club, Myakka City, FL

I’ll be going and to make sure I don’t end up something really stupid, the missus will also come. Come over, bring boom sticks (Large and small, I guess) and plan to have fun.

Tropical Storm Eta will probably be soaking lands much farther north, but a range is a range so we may get muddy. Plan accordingly.

And if anything has taught me being range safety officer for so many years is that I will go ahead and remind you to bring eye and ear protection! Bring two of each in case you lose or break something. : Two is one….etc.

Bring your trauma/IFAK pouches or bags. Pray we don’t have to use them, but just in case.

C’mon people! There is fun to be had and pews-pews to be taken.

And I have rifles that need zeroing and I suck at it.

And check with Borepatch! He is the one we get to blame 

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And they are forcing pressure to flip the switch. (They want you dead)

“Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future,”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

New blacklist of ‘Trump sycophants’ inspired by AOC being compiled

Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Socialists Purges Games. I hope your brought enough ammo because it seems we will have plenty targets.

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It wasn’t a glitch…

It was a feature.

The only glitch was that it got caught.

The fuckery here is off the charts.

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