So Biden said something really stupid last night.

“We had a good relationship with Hitler before he in fact invaded… the rest of Europe”

So in 1933, Hitler finally gains control over Germany and races to create the Nazi Germany superpower.  And Biden was right, US government at the time did play nicey-nice with Adolph and let him get away with all the shit that led world wo WW2 . It must have been a Republican, right?

Nope: It was Democrat god of gods, Franklyn Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States from March 4, 1933 till April 12, 1945.

Shut up, Joe… wait, never mind. Keep talking.

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For those who laughed at the President’s Coyote reference, here is a dose of reality: Rape Trees.

In the last post, SiGraybeard  a comment I am pasting here:

If they don’t know the term coyote, then doubtless they’ve never heard of the rape trees, decorated with the panties of every little girl they rape.

If they don’t know the term and they only use Google, I bet they’d never get the truth.

Someone with Twitter ought to try to post that. I’m sure it would get you suspended or the tweet would be shadowbanned.

And at the risk of being shadowbanned in Twitter and jailed in Facebook, here are some samples of Rape Trees.

And there is an article from the New York Times you way want to read:


For weeks in that locked room, the men she had paid to get her safely to the United States drugged her with pills and cocaine, refusing to let her out even to bathe. “I think that since they put me in that room, they killed me,” she said. “They raped us so many times they didn’t see us as human beings anymore.”

On America’s southern border, migrant women and girls are the victims of sexual assaults that most often go unreported, uninvestigated and unprosecuted. Even as women around the world are speaking out against sexual misconduct, migrant women on the border live in the shadows of the #MeToo movement.

‘You Have to Pay With Your Body’: The Hidden Nightmare of Sexual Violence on the Border

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Why I can’t have any Christian feelings about some people.

I am still trying to digest this from J. Kb’s post:

Think about it for a moment. These are people that never heard the term “coyote” that has been for us for decades, maybe even more.  They also ignorant of the plight of human trafficking because otherwise the use of Coyote would have been known to them.  These are people that possibly think walking across the Southern US border from Mexico is just like going over to the neighbors for a cup of coffee and a chat rather than crossing a deadly desert populated by drug cartel operatives running the human trafficking. They cannot know the thousands of stories of people being charged a small fortune to be taken across the border and sometimes not making it because the Coyotes abandon them. If they are very lucky, they are found by Border Patrol and rescued. If they are not that lucky:

A human skull lies in the Arizona desert, Sept. 2, 2016. (Jean Guerrero/KPBS)

And then we have the apparently no longer important subject of rapes among the females being brought across the border by the Coyotes. Even good old PBS wrote about it:

Salinas said at first she was confused when a guide at the start of the trip offered her and other women pills he said would prevent pregnancy. Later, it made more sense.

Peña said sometimes it is the guides — also called coyotes — who advise their female clients to go on birth control. That was the case for Maria Salinas, a petite 43-year-old who recently tried crossing with her 18-year-old daughter.
Once Salinas started walking with the group, she couldn’t keep up. One coyote said he’d help – on one condition.

“If I gave him my daughter, then he’d wait for me,” Salinas said. Meaning, if she let him have sex with her daughter. She refused, and he abandoned them. They only survived because they found Border Patrol.

“It’s awful,” Salinas said about making this trip as a woman. “I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.”

And when a woman is raped in remote stretches of the border region, it almost always goes unpunished. Almost always.

Women crossing the U.S. border face sexual assault with little protection

So there is plenty of literature and news out here about Coyotes and these people in the screen cap and many others that flooded Social media mocking President Trump are just doing the PR for Human Smugglers and Sexual Predators on the other side of the border.

But I really do not believe they did not know. I believe they know, but the chose their hate for the President rather than say he was right in this subject and ignoring a human rights problem brought to by the policies they support.

So maybe they are accomplices after all.


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Where is the lie?

Twitter is going ape-shit over the fact that Trump said the air in India is filthy:

Remember that history starts right after Trump says something true, so before they are deleted let me link to some news:

The Financial Times, December 10, 2018:

Dirty air: how India became the most polluted country on earth
With the situation worse than it ever was in neighbouring China the Modi government is struggling to introduce measures to combat the problem

Al Jazeera, March 5, 2019:

India has the world’s worst air pollution: report
India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and China are home to the 50 cities worldwide with the dirtiest air, new study shows.

CNN, February 25, 2020:

21 of the world’s 30 cities with the worst air pollution are in India

The New York Times, October 15, 2020:

What Happens When Covid-19 Meets Toxic Air? India Is About to Find Out
Every fall, air pollution spikes in India. Doctors worry what it will mean for coronavirus patients with breathing problems.

Just for fun, I’m going to post this video from The Guardian, about the Yamuna river in India.  One of the most polluted rivers in the world.  It is so polluted that it is dead, nothing lives in its toxic waters.


So, I’ll ask again, where is the lie?

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Ignorance is now a talking point

And the stupidity that has affected a Georgia state rep and a teenage “policy expert” at Harvard, has slammed into the media like a train.


This is now a talking point.

The only way to make Trump wrong is to erase the definition of a term that until the debate last night was a widely understood to be a term for a human smuggler.

Mintrue strikes again.

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There was a stupider Tweet – this is what happens when Harvard admits a C student because of Politics

Miguel found a Tweet from a Georgia lawyer and state rep that was very stupid.

She only went to Oglethorpe.

David Hogg is at Harvard and has been declared a policy expert by many Democrats, and while Kendrick is only barely known in Georgia, Hogg is famous on the national level.



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